Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

Alice Tarjan is another example. And instead of buying made horses, she gets most (all?) of her horses as foals or very young horses and makes them up herself. Super example of drive, dedication, passion plus talent and the funds to make her dream happen.


Charlotte has bought some and has a string of babies including clones of 2 of her GP horses. She intends to always be relevant in the ring it seems.


The clones are adorable. I love the video clips she posts of them.


Me too!

Serenade is phenomenal!


Y’all either remember what you wrote or you do not.
As far as speaking ill of Paradigm @BigMama1, you too as well as others thought posters were being mean to them.

What is up with the current infatuation with @/BigMama?


Evidently, we do not.

What a piece of work you are.


How is saying any of this kind of thing necessary?


If that’s what you you think about the situation then I await your outrage over @BigMama1’s contacts being sent such ridiculous communications. Because you’re stating that she WASN’T on board to people “being mean to Paradigm”.

So I await your display of outrage.


Perception v reality.

Pyrite v gold


They were the only poster that had enough information out there to be found in order to actually contact associations in order to attempt to bully anyone on the forum into shutting up? I mean, how many threats to the editor and Helgstrand (the new owners) failed to get the subject banned?


No, I am not defending the mystery emailer for contacting @BigMama1 s editor. I think the gossiping about LKs current training situation is irrelevant to the civil trial and simply intended to bash her, and therefore I disapprove of that continuing discussion, but I don’t advocate contacting a poster’s work associates.

No, I am not an “avenger” of LK.

No, I do not know the person who sent the email to BigMama’s editor.

So, @eggbutt , you’re wrong on all counts.

Is your point to prove that the person contacting BigMama1’s work place and trainer is way out of line for contacting them?

Just confirming that is what you are saying, because that is what I am reading.




Actually, you’re wrong. LK is suing for physical damage which she claims is a protracted physical injury.

At the same time she is posting of her training and riding and according to her, excelling. So her training situation is most certainly part of the civil trial because HER lawsuit makes it so. The question immediately becomes is there protracted injury or not and if it is to what extent and if there is how much responsibility for it is assignable to the various parties named in the case.

And you can bet your sweet grass that every single instructor and trainer will be called on to testify as to physical limitations, pre shooting as well as after.

There will be medical evidence if applicable to many things one might not initially consider. Off the top of my head would be the question what effects long term suboxone use has on the body. (I have no idea)


OK. KnightsMom, I’ll take that action. I bet that it is not the case that “every single instructor and trainer will be called on to testify as to physical limitations, pre shooting as well as after”.

The fact that she is able to ride and is riding is slightly relevant to the civil trial.

This discussion of whether her current trainer is or is not a BNT and all of the other gossip and speculation about the details of her training situation is completely irrelevant to the civil trial.

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Slightly relevant? You’re wrong. Her physical activity will be VERY relevant. She is claiming physical damage after all. And in courts the damage to collect must be protracted and significant.

Shall I assume your not understanding this is due to your unfamiliarity with the subject?

The discussion as to whether her trainer is a BNT is an interesting hill for you to die on as it in NO WAY is insulting to LK. It’s simply a conversation as to what space in the Wellington food chain this guy occupies. That shouldn’t bother you AT ALL.

Why does it?

Having trainers testify who are pre injury and post injury is necessary for comparisons sake. So is every aspect of her habits and health. For instance if she asserted she has trouble breathing her smoking and drug use will IMMEDIATELY be focused on. For the defense not to do so would simply be malpractice.

Buckle up Buttercup, this case will be highly invasive as to her privacy and personal history and there’s a world full of her critics waiting for every sordid detail. And I in no way mean the people here. The presence of her charm has insured that all across social media.

And all by her own hand.


Do you need reading glasses? Nothing in that quote says anything about anyone being “mean,” or that anyone was speaking ill of Paradigm. I said it was unfair to drag them into any LK drama if nobody knows it took place there, which it is. Try again.


Flying monkeys are in a holding pattern.