Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

If you go to the gun range, when you return, you’d probably return the gun to the gun safe in your office where it’s normally stored. As long as you didn’t use it to shoot someone before locking in the safe, there’s no problem.

Well, he could not have shot in self defense without a gun.


I’d like to take a brief moment to make a public appeal to Lollypop’s friends and family…

I’m sure she must be frustrated about having been repeatedly banned from the COTH forums, but it is not in her best interest for any of you to give her your login information. She just digs herself a deeper hole whenever she tries to argue about the situation.




I hope you had it tested first. A lot of that crap is asbestos containing.

So, in other words, you did not read what I wrote.


Before testing probably easier to simply say - what year was this built - oh, that is after asbestos was used for everything and anything.
(My living room has popcorn ceiling because that is what Mr. Trub wanted when the house was built. Not asbestos.)


I anticipate a passing of the baton any minute now…


This reminds me of @CurrentlyHorseless (the little boy). She just keeps coming back for more, yet she knows no one nor does she communicate with anyone involved! Uh-huh!



SGF is being sued for creating a hazardous situation by permitting guns on the property, and perhaps for leasing the property to a mentally unstable trainer.

RC is being sued for providing the gun.

The plaintiff will try to hold SGF and RC liable regardless of who used RCs gun to shoot her. This is one of the many issues on which the interests of SGF diverge from the interests of the other defendants.

Oh good, reinforcements have been called in! Shift change!


They will try. We will see how far it will go.

Not very I think.


Minor issue with this scene from the movie in your head: there is ZERO proof that MB brought the gun with him. And given that LK kept posting about a “missing gun,” ample reason to suspect she took it from the safe and had it in her possession when MB arrived. One scenario is as plausible as the other.


There’s also the pesky little fact that LK has a criminal record involving trespass and burglary. More than one incident involving trespass.

Amongst many other things.


OK. I look forward to hearing Bilinkas provide any evidence that LK took the gun from the safe and was sitting there on the porch with it when MB showed up uninvited.

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What is the public record indicating she was criminally charged with burglary, VHM?

And the evidence that MB took the gun from the safe and drove to the house with it is what? Weird that you will happily believe one scenario and steadfastly deny the other one is possible.


So, ladies, what are you predicting on the outcome of the next hearing before Taylor in six weeks?

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We all discussed it on a prior thread last year. It was easily looked up in the NJ court system database.

Did Papa successfully get it expunged? I heard he’s been busy with those efforts. It’s a common strategy for people who have lengthy criminal records going into civil litigation.


Aaaaah. That’s an interesting change of subject.

Careful. Your mask is slipping again.


Not if you have a a lic to carry…and you carry. My BF only puts the guns he’s not carrying in the safe.