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Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

What investigation?


I agree - [IMO] there is a treasure trove of videos and recordings that the KKlan has destroyed. They are deep in that dark hole… Once they are forced to emerge, I suggest sprinkling holy water on them, sense KK is so religious, and see what happens… I predict a bonfire


Like on Buffy the Vampire Slayer?


I wonder if GAS is mixed up on the principals of this case, so far. I mean, if they haven’t met them in person, they might all just be names on a page, and who did what, maybe they don’t even have a handle on the difference between MB and RG.

“Wait, was it your boyfriend who shot you?”
“Wait, your boyfriend is Michael, the one you were so jealous of?”
“Wait, Rob showed up and shot at MIchael and got you instead? Was he the jealous one?”
“Wait, you aren’t the top rider at the farm, who Michael rejected?”
“Wait, it was your house you and your boyfriend were rehabbing? Not your house?”
“Wait, so you took the gun out of the safe, you said it was missing…”

There’s all kinds of crazy there, and GAS might very well be awfully confused.

PS - Why do I keep saying “M3CPO”?


I think that too. Most people think that, reading what you write. There’s no other explaination for you being so confused.


Behold: https://forum.chronofhorse.com/t/equestrian-court-of-grammatical-peeves/


LK was a tenant and her tenancy included the house and the barn where her horses lived. Tenant rights in New Jersey.

I don’t know what y’all think these are delaying tactics. The ones I had to represent my employer on were between 15 and 20 years of back and forth and retrials. It hasn’t yet even been a year since the close of the criminal trial and somewhere in google I read that New Jersey just streamlined it’s civil trials to speed them up to an average of two years time.

I don’t see the parents as 3rd parties delaying the trial by their efforts to avoid being harassed by the defense attorneys.

D’oh! Thanks!!

“Wait, you and your boyfriend reported the shoddy construction work on the house and barn after your boyfriend was the one who did the shoddy construction work?!?”


That one always made me chuckle. Who were they saying did the construction work? I mean, to the tune of 50k. They claim RG did all this work for Barisone. But they reported the shoddy construction work. So who did the work and wants to get paid? Some other dude?


Why is being subpoenaed to turn over evidence to the defence harassment? By your definition, any subpoena to turn over evidence could be considered harassment? They claim they have evidence. Shouted it from the rooftops. Used it to send to people. They need to come clean about it. They need to produce it. That’s not harassment. Withholding it is harassing the defence, and possibly illegal.


Who said the work was shoddy?

The living spaces in the barn were not permitted for occupancy. The basement bedrooms probably did not have the egress required by code.

Oh, Horseless, pay attention. For pete’s sake! Do you retain nothing?


Both Nagel and GAS explained this in their motions to quash.

Please ignore particular posters who are frantically trying to do their assignment of closing the thread. Seems some nerves have been frayed today.


So much this!


Yes he was disbarred and that is a heavy (deserved) price for being a dirty cheat for it shakes the very foundation of trust the people should have in the law.


Too bad judges aren’t held to the same standards re: breeding mistrust in people for the law.


If they haven’t been destroy then why have they not been produced as asked by the court? me thinks the KK"s protest too much…