Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

Should LK, JK, and RG be held liable for Michael’s mental, emotional, spiritual, as well as physical trauma? And should their actions that eventually brought about his mental breakdown mitigate any damages they have against him. After all, she planned to break him, she just did not anticipate how that brokenness would play out. Is it the egg’s fault if the chef cracks it and it lands on the cooktop instead of in the pan?


Correct. Bilinkas was not allowed to argue that it was was defense given that he had not provided any evidence that it was self defense.

What evidence is there that MB shot LK in self defense? The prosecution provided considerable evidence that it was MB who drove over to LKs residence uninvited with a loaded gun. That alone is enough to sink a self defense claim.

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If MB wants to try to hold LK, RG, and JK responsible for his mental trauma, it’s curious that he’s not suing RG and JK. It’s especially curious that he’s not suing RG for assaulting him and causing him to use the gun in self defense. Very curious.

Perhaps you should alert Bilinkas to amend the counter suit. Again.

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As I recall, LK and RG were not supposed to be at the house. Did MB know they were there when he drove there? If he did not know they were there, there are other reasons he may have brought the gun, which would completely negate the idea that he brought a gun with him to use against them.


Again, you are short on proof, but of course you don’t care about proof, as long as your buddies and your idol say it is true, it must be so. How naive and gullible you are.

I’m astonished the Kanarek lovers have never raised a ruckus about the shoddy police work on this case. The entire ordeal would have been a complete slam dunk if only the most basic forensic evidence had been collected. Hmmm, I strongly suspect the entire spectacle was caught nice and tidy on their “missing” videos. Imagine that. I can all but guarantee the Karaneks are going to fail miserably with these suits, regardless whether they drop their suits or not. I can’t wait!!!


Is RG a plaintiff in this case. MB is making a counter claim to the case that he has to defend against. Why bring in someone who has no income or assets, so no way to pay a claim?




CH stated yesterday or the day before that they watched the trial.


First sentence - they were not allowed to argue.
Second sentence - they did not provide any evidence.


Does one have to be invited to drive to their own house? Is this a movie in your head requirement, @CurrentlyHorseless?
Have you forgotten that Lauren Kanarek and Robert Guy Goodwin/Jim E Stark/Superman were kicked out of the house and were not supposed to be there so Michael had no way to know that they were there?
Since no one was supposed to be in the house, who exactly was Michael supposed to ask permission of to go to his own house?

You like to make up very amusing and creative facts that are not true. But keep on providing us all with amusement.

I will keep mentioning the thing that you are clearly trying to make go away - that Jonathan Kanarek, @Inigo-montoya, father of Lauren Kanarek, a lawyer, and Kirby Kanarek, @Seeker1, the mother of Lauren Kanarek, the wife of the lawyer father Jonathan Kanarek has now ignored their discovery subpoena twice and there are once again contempt filings.
So strange that Jonathan Kanarek posts here how he had all the information, how the lawyers lost it, and how he is so willing to cooperate in the civil case that his daughter filed, but then turns around and does not even do the most basic legal action when he gets a subpoena (or two), he just ignores it. Add to the strange of this family is Kirby Kanarek and Lauren Kanarek bragged about sending the transcripts that the subpoena are asking for to just about anyone and anyplace that they could think of as a tool to hurt Michael, but when it is time to produce them for the civil trial that gets ignored.
Those are certainly not the actions of people who care to follow the rules of the legal system or of people who are wanting to move their own civil case forward.


No, @trubandloki. I watched the Barisone criminal trial.

On the 48 hours episode, I read the transcript of the episode before watching the episode, which I taped.

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So, just pretend for a moment (should be easy for you) that RG finally saw his opportunity to rid himself of the anchor around his neck and actually shot LK all by himself with whatever gun. Would that automatically make it an SGF problem? I mean everyone in NC knows those two fight like rabid dogs! No wonder he frequently “disappears” for a little R&R, just like he did as sweetums lay “dying” in her coma the days after the incident. Why on earth was RG anywhere near Newark Airport, and not the nice side of town either? Lots of questions will be brought up now that the sympathetic Taylor won’t be able to do JK’s bidding. Occam’s razor for sure :slight_smile:


The dog Kujo had just bitten a person or two. It’s easily said that the gun was brought along for the dog if you’re going with the theory MB brought the gun.

And maybe Occams Razor dictates that MB suddenly grew concerned about the gun, went to the locker to check, saw it missing and rushed to the house.


RG is not a plaintiff.

However, if MB wants to sue for emotional damage or assault or for the recordings, he needs to sue the parties responsible those things, not just the person suing him.

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Question: Why is it so questionable that MB would drive up to HIS house? Whether armed or not? He was living there just a couple of days previous. Why is it so special that he was not supposed to drive to his house? I don’t get this train of thought. Whether or not LK or RG or Bozo the clown was there, MB had every right to drive up to his house.

What am I missing?


And, her harassment of MB caused him to lose his freedom, income, honor etc etc


Both amusing stories. I wonder why Bilinkas did not float those stories at the criminal trial.

Perhaps he will at the civil trial.

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The movie that plays in the head of people who like to ignore obvious facts, that is what you are missing.


Because his amnesia of the event made it so that he could not affirm that scenario and aid in his defense. Duh.


Because Judge Taylor would not allow him to “float” those details.

I know…too many facts are confusing for you.

Like the fact that Jonathan Kanarek @Inigo-montoya and Kirby Kanarek @Seeker1 both ignored their discovery subpoenas once again and there are contempt filings… Such hard facts to understand for some.


I don’t see any fault or crime in his driving to the farmhouse to talk to them.

The crime is shooting her. It will be difficult to succeed in a claim of shooting in self defense given that he brought the gun with him.

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