From the public records, one can conclude that RG was pretty messed up as a kid and was getting into trouble long before Lauren graduated. You won’t even find a single HS yearbook photo of him, likely because he didn’t want to be identifiable in the community or because he simply refused to show up for the yearbook photos. As revealed earlier, he has felony and misdemeanor charges going right back to his earliest days as an adult. From what is out there, he and Lauren apparently met one another through the Jewish community, when his “Mom” (Unknown if actual biological, but definitely custodial.) took up with the caretaker (maintenance man/custodian) of the temple that the Kanarek’s seem to have attended in the 90’s.
In the early 80’s, when RG was a young boy and seemingly normalish, his “Mom” was living with someone else at the home associated with him in his criminal charges, and that someone ransacked the house’s valuables - in the manner which a druggie and later, RG would do - and ran off, but said individual was not named or gender-identified in the crime report write up in the paper, so I can’t say for sure if it was RG’s biological father, who was apparently dead or missing from their life in the 90’s, depending on how you interpret RG’s sister’s senior quote in the yearbook. Apparently, RG is called “Guy”, to differentiate him from the previous “Robert Goodwin”'s in his family, of which there seem to be a few in his direct lineage. There was a “Robert E. Goodwin Jr.” in an adjacent - as in walk down that street over there and you’re there - town and he had a bit of troubled history like “Guy” ended up having, according to the newspaper records, with conduct that resembles what “Guy” later did as a young adult and beyond. He was the right age to have been father to “Guy” and his sister, who thankfully looks nothing like “Guy” and got the “Mom’s” looks.