Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

CivilCaseJacket (16)_230213_161800.pdf (230.6 KB)

If this copied correctly, there was another filing after Silver’s.

It looks like it is just to correct a typo.


There are texts laughing about how they knew the building inspector was going to come out “tomorrow” on the 5th and how they were going to be happy to fine Michael and hoping they would kick everyone out.


Hmm. Interesting. Thanks.

It really does continue to sink to lower levels doesn’t it? And I’m sure we are only aware of a small portion of what these 4 people did to terrorize and harass.


I am getting caught up on the thread, but it is interesting to see the legal chickens come home to roost for KK after so many people advised her she should not be making those statements about the illegal recordings on the BB.


Oh looky… there’s that pesky NJSA 2A:156A that makes LK’s recordings illegal. Imagine that being raised… who would have thought. Guess those few who kept saying over and over the locker area was PUBLIC are incorrect, huh?


How did that plan fit in with the fact that MB was still in jail awaiting his quickly approaching trial at the time, and they expected him to be found guilty and locked up for years and years?!?


Legal people, how do you think today’s filings affect the claim and counter claim? Or is it too soon to tell?

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This part of Mr. Silver’s filing today reminds me of all the times I have brought up that Jonathan Kanarek (@Inigo-montoya) was ignoring his subpoena and court order. Oh, and the laughs about Jonathan Kanarek’s post where he insists he wants to cooperate.
I guess it explains why Jonathan Kanarek never answered the question(s) about why he was ignoring the subpoenas.



If it’s the event I’m thinking of, it’s not really a private party as much as a fundraiser that anyone can get into if they buy a ticket.

Interesting if they thought it was a worthwhile expenditure to buy those tickets to the event in order to corner people on that particular subject.


I’m guessing they were trying to schmooze Tarshis since they knew he was not only MB’s personal attorney but also his friend, so he would 1) encourage MB to accept a plea deal; 2) be more conciliatory toward LK during depositions/testimony if he was called to the stand if MB actually went to trial; and 3) urge MB to drop his counterclaim and offer a settlement to LK.


Hum - might number 2 be considered witness tampering?


There are also direct texts about suing/Tarshis’ legal advice: “if you can, mention what we will really be suing about. I don’t think Michael is being honest with him. He might advise Michael to settle. It’s worth a try.”

Texts about holding off on calling the building inspector guy “I know”……was that they guy who let them back into the house? And they specifically told them about the downstairs apartment……


So you believe Lauren is a liar, and was lying the many times she claimed to have planted recording devices throughout the barn?


And then Kirby made up the fact she transcribed the made up audio recordings? That’s quite a stretch, even for you lol.


IM’s liberal use of the word PERIOD for emphasis gave me a huge flashback to Trump’s first mouthpiece claiming that he had the biggest crowd at his inauguration EVER!!!1!1! Lol.

I have to say that Melissa McCarthy’s impression of that guy on SNL was absolute comedic genius. Especially the time she was driving the podium down the streets of New York City.


With this level of plotting shown in just this small handful of texts…I can’t wait to see what may be in the trove about what they told Michael about RG’s qualifications to do the reno work…


The whole turn off the propane is unreal. I would say the tank was getting low and they wanted to save what was in there so LaLa could get hot showers.

Of course the discussion of the barn generator, makes this horse go… hummm

“Make sure the gen at the barn won’t save the situation for them”

“MB would have to buy a new one”
“A new BIG ASS one”

I really wanted to point that out because I found that soooo interesting.

but of course I am only a horse.


It’s not a huge leap to add police chief, DA, prosecutor, judges, etc to the building inspector he knows, is it?


Maybe the building inspector guy was so anxious because he was worried about some connections coming out….