

Or someone tells you they have a migraine, they are sitting next to you & chatting & looking pretty o.k.

They just have no idea of how bad a migraine is.[/QUOTE]

But on the other hand, I hate when people assume that I must not actually have a migraine just because I’m chatting and looking pretty ok. I might have a hell of a headache but not be at the kill me now stage. Doesn’t mean I don’t feel like crap, it just means I’m used to living with them.

Chiming in here again.

I’ve had migraines as long as I can remember…pediatrician said it couldn’t be migraines because I “wasn’t in enough pain.” Blah. When I hurt I get quiet…I’ve moaned and teared up from a stubbed toe but when I had an ovarian cyst that burst I didn’t say a word all the way to hospital. Same goes for migraines. Crying only makes the pounding worse.

Anyway. I thought ice-cream and dairy was my trigger, but I’ve been downing shakes and ice creams bars these past few weeks (I’m a college student coming intro finals week) with no repercussions. McDonald’s is a major no-no. Wine, alcohol, coffee, soda (never diet though)…all fine. I have a very high carb/high salt diet, also fine (again, I’m a college student. Lots of ramen and pasta…)

Anyone know if high cholesterol is linked to migraines? I am genetically predisposed to both (mother and father for high cholesterol, and my whole’s father’s side are migraine sufferers.)

Adderall is a HUGE trigger for me migraine wise (I’m ADHD.) But sometimes I know I’ll get more studying done on adderall with a migraine than not on it without one.

The only things I’ve found that help are three advil early on (works less than half the time) a cool wet face cloth on my head and sleep.

I tried Treximet…makes me nauseous for about an hour or two and gives me light muscle cramps and then I feel totally fine. Except for the one time I ate after I took it and it made me throw up.

Rel 6 "But on the other hand, I hate when people assume that I must not actually have a migraine just because I’m chatting and looking pretty ok. I might have a hell of a headache but not be at the kill me now stage. Doesn’t mean I don’t feel like crap, it just means I’m used to living with them.

True, rel. I see your point. Apologies.

The Lipigisic is at CVS and Walgreen’s. I don’t know about outside the US.

It seemed to help a mild stress migraine I got last week, after a few hours.

Dont know about in th us, but if i take 3 tylenol 1(otc) at the start it helps, if not t3 are my bff(dr doesnt want to give anything stronger or addictive)

I have Migraines triggered from Post Concussive Syndrome due to a car accident and suffered for 5 months with a constant 10 on the pain scale headache. What helped was when I was admitted to the hospital for a DHE-45 treatment. This got rid of my Migraines for months! Of course it was not fun having to be hooked up to an IV for 3-4 days but it works soooo well and is now always my default plan if I cannot control my migraines with meds and the pain med (Dilaudid) fail.

[QUOTE=Bank of Dad;6232271]
The Lipigisic is at CVS and Walgreen’s. I don’t know about outside the US.

It seemed to help a mild stress migraine I got last week, after a few hours.[/QUOTE]

Thanks, I’ve looked it up & no one seems to carry it here that I can find.
I recently completed a migraine study trial (just my luck, I got the placebo!) so am trying vit. B1, B12 and Folac Acid supplements. Started yesterday, cross fingers!
I suffer terribly with them and really feel for everyone else here :frowning: best of luck to you all!!