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Minimal grooming routine for shows


If you have time to show, you have time to present a well groomed horse imho.

However well groomed does not have to be braided, just clean, healthy and well brushed. I cut a small bridle path, but mostly so that the bridle fits comfortably, I like a well pulled mane, but if you have a long maned breed, then a single running braid is very quick and easy.

I do not believe in shelling out ears, or trimming whiskers.

And oldernewbie, I’m a little intimidated to show at the Arab show - I know it’ll be sport horse people but I’m afraid we might look like unwashed heathens with no shaving, no grease, no bridle path. Plus he goes in a Micklem. :)[/QUOTE]

Oh please, I won at Scottsdale this year with a barefoot (gasp), unclipped and not recently bathed (OMG!) purebred:cool: The dressage/Sporthorse people are definitely more laid back than main ring people. No need to feel intimidated. :slight_smile: