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More new babies New pics- 3/14

It is a lot of work, especially at kidding time and after until the kids are all going well( but worth it) . I have a local buyer for all I don’t sell when I advertise on CL . Some years I sell them all on CL to family buyers looking to find a herd sire, brush control, pets, 4-H or add breeding stock to their farm.

I try not to go the auction route but do if I have to. It has been several years since I had to.

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No I am in MO. They do an excellent job of clearing . It really is amazing.

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As a child I would get very upset about baby goats being called kids. I was insistent I was a kid and they were called “baby goats”.


I always call them my goat babies.

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As you should! :joy:


Had a vet assisted somewhat traumatic kidding last night but everyone is OK today.


what are their names?

No names yet. That is my daughters department ( I am seriously lacking in that) and she is still thinking!

cuteness overload!! boys or girls?

Bigger, more white bodied is a buck, the smaller a doe .

My daughter finally came up with some names .



great names!!! I would love a small herd of goats.

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I sell kids every year. I will have unrelated pairs this Fall and can get you started @MunchingonHay :smiley:

we can’t even keep chickens here :frowning: my subdivision would not be happy :sleepy: :sleepy:

It can be hard to keep goats a secret. They can be noisy sometimes :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Had all but 3 of my girls kid in the same week. Now that things have settled thought I would share a few pics.

So far I have 19 doelings.
7 bucklings.


They are SO cute!! I love their little spots. The little goat in the fifth pic - that marking on her head looks like a chicken.

I love those little appaloosa ones!

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You are right !!

The sire of many of these kids has a marking on his side that looks like a goose. I never noticed it until my neighbor took a picture and gave me a copy of it and pointed it out. A daughter of his I kept from last year has almost the same identical " goose" on her side.

@jingal I have to admit I love the spotted ones too !

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Have 2 new ones Mark & Maggie.