Well, we’re on day four of our mule adventures. On advice I received, I went in there and worked with him a little just to see what he would do. Basic round pen stuff, the kind of stuff you’d do with a horse. I’ve noticed the following:
-He doesn’t seem to do any of the ‘naughty’ things I was warned about. He’s not particularly interested in kicking, striking, or biting me. He hasn’t tried to run me over even when he’s had opportunity to do so. This has time to change I suppose, but for right now I haven’t seen him try to do anything concerning.
-He is also much more thoughtful than a horse is. I’m not having to worry about him doing stupid stuff like getting scared and ramming himself into panels, or trying to cut through the center of the round pen directly over me. He seems to consider whatever’s being asked before he does it, and everything he does, he does fairly calmly compared to a horse.
-His body language is a lot more subtle but still pretty ‘horselike’. I’m sure there are differences I will see in time, but his facial expressions and body positioning don’t seem that different from a horse.
-He’s also much smarter. He picked up very quickly on how to change directions in the round pen facing me with just me lifting my arm and shifting my body weight over. Generally it takes horses much longer to pick this up, and they also usually aren’t willing to do it without getting freaked out and racing around at least for awhile.
-He will square up with me and follow me for a bit at what he considers a ‘safe’ distance. He is happy to approach and sniff my hand if it’s offered to him. Getting close enough for ME to touch HIM or close enough where I might decide to touch something other than his nose is a no-go right now. Not surprising, it’s only been four days. I know at the quarantine facility they grabbed his halter to handle him, and I want to avoid doing this because I don’t want him to learn he can pull back and get away, and also don’t want him to learn to be headshy.
He has ample hay, because we want him to put on some weight. Right now we’re also giving him some alfalfa and a small quantity of grain twice a day, and he has learned that when we appear he will receive those things so he’s usually waiting for me at the gate to receive them. I’ve made a point of sticking around until he’s at least finished his grain, which he will eat even if I’m standing right next to him on the other side of the gate. He does not seem protective over his food, which is also good.
From what I’m reading, I don’t expect this to be a fast or easy process, but he does at least seem like he wants to engage with me when I’m around. Other than the small round pen session I have mostly just been hanging out in the round pen with him to do chores/feed/etc. He’s very curious about me, but clearly doesn’t trust me yet. That’s okay. We have time. He seems very easy to please and like he has a really good brain, and he doesn’t appear to be mean at all, and all those things are in my favor.