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Mustang shopping anyone?

4150 is pretty.

You know you can slow down the videos … i go full screen and slow them down to .5
What do you guys think of this one? (i love palominos :star_struck: )


I like him the best


This cute little dark bay with the lovely head…


He wings out on his front right. When i slow down the video to .25 i can really see it in a couple of his left turn circles. That hoof seems larger. Do you think it’s a club foot? Or maybe the hoof is bigger because he doesn’t put that hoof down correctly? (i have too many on my short-list and keep adding…need to find reasons to eliminate for structure before i turn to ‘feeeeelings’). lol

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I like yellow horses, too! Looks to have a few drops of more refined breeding somewhere in its background. There’s a hint of fanciness to it that goes beyond its color.

he’s fast too!! I had to slow down the video. I like go-ey geldings. I have three push-rides and only one gelding that’s a go-getter. He has a nice deep chest… And he has nice thick legs. His left front leg looks …off. He throws it out a little differently…like it might hurt him? Do you see it?

Edit: This is for 5995, the sweet dark bay

Yeah, there is some winging when viewed from head-on. Doesn’t appear to be a club foot. More likely a deviation in that leg off the plumb line. If you had a chance, you’d probably notice it if he was stood up square right in front of you. But to me… that’s not that big of a deal on a horse you like otherwise. He certainly moves freely from his shoulder with a big enough stride.

Of course this is just my long distance online opinion. Keep that in mind. :wink:

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Seems like a whole lot of folks like the same one i do…that young black sleek guy. I guess i’ve made a tactical mistake in putting it all on here. I’m such a blabbermouth lol.

I suppose it’s all about finding good homes though huh!

I’ve had a couple of horses…Morgans both, whose knees were on different planes. And this sort of action did indeed occur. PLUS those big show feet didn’t help…

even IF he turns out to be (yet another!) unrideable…I just keep thinking how nice it would be to see that pretty face every day… :kissing_closed_eyes:

oh well! …it’s all in good fun yes? Horse shopping (esp vicariously) is pretty decent entertainment. And i appreciate as many critical eyeballs as i can get. It’s really hard to drill down on every little physical thing… all alone!

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I like 8403, and 5995 the best out of those.


Hmmm… I like this guy too.


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Yasssss! i have him ‘favorited’.

If the other bids go too high i’ll move on to him. them feetz!!! and he seems very calm. And funny. That little tail up-ness… so cute!

He looks interested, but not scared… and he’s only 2. I like him a lot.


if he really IS only two. IME they age them incorrectly a LOT! People who follow and document the wild bands, photograph them and name them etc. Who know when they were foaled and who the stud was and who the dam is, they often have documented evidence of a wildly different age. And in BLM’s defense…wild horse in a chute…having his lips rolled up and some gal/guy peering thru the bars… they have like 1/3 a second to make that assessment. Not to mention teeth broken from kicks fighting out there…

Anyhow… if he’s really only two he’s going to end up 15+. Not a bad size for a mustang. He’s going to maybe be a bit long tho?

but those feet :slight_smile:

Yeah, I’m 5’6" and not petite, so I tend to like the bigger ones.

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i’m 5.0 and 20-25# too fat- now and maybe forever (diets suck)…and look good on a 14.0 to 15.0. If they’re under i dwarf them, over i look too short-legged stumpy. But for just riding for pleasure, it matters little to me. Have a 13ish pony mule and i enjoy riding him a lot.

So tell me, what do you think about this guy (he’s my #5 pick…so far. It keeps changing as they add more horses)

There are quite a few more posted now, and my list grows silly.

I would like to point out number 8401 looks like a spunky one. I would like to see the rest of the 3 second video.

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OH!!! are you bidding too?! :grinning:

No, sigh…I wish I was. Currently filling my cyber barn. Lol

My oldies are going strong and prevent me from aquiring anything new.

I would love to be in your situation though, happy horse shopping! Definitely get the black one. :wink:


2 dark bays are in my top 4. One’s that 7 yr old little guy with the pretty face, 5995. Other is the 3yr old who is so…‘silky’ 8403. I think 8403 has sooooo much interest that he’s going to go for big money. 1,709 views …which is like 2 or 3 times more than the other highly viewed ones. So, kinda sad. But at least i know my eye is good lol.

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