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My kingdom for a saddle!

This guy is similar - he measures a pretty standard medium, or a MN in brands like BC that run wider. This is based on tracings I sent off for a remote fitting, which is where I got the initial saddle recommendations that I haven’t found in the right size configuration.

I have looked at the old Passiers and I wouldn’t mind trying one - me and the GG don’t get along, but maybe the older ones don’t have such a crotch busting twist. I have a couple more saddles coming this week but I’m still keeping my options open :joy:

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I have one of these. It’s too small for me. It’s a 17”. Size two. Not sure what tree that it is. I’d let it go for a song if you’re interested

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I would probably try a wintec… I’ve had good luck with them fitting round conformation.

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My fitter recommended the Baum tree for me because it’s not difficult to alter the tree size. I think she also suggested an older Albion.

My wide Barnsby Raven looked like it would work but was actually too wide (trying to sell it now). My pony looks extremely wide and I was surprised he wasn’t. No wonder the Barnsby slid forward!!

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I am going to have to hold off on buying any more saddles just yet :joy: emergency vet call last night, I haven’t heard what the total is.

I used to have an old Albion that probably would have fit him nicely. I think from now on I am just going to keep every saddle I ever buy, just in case it fits a future horse. Of course, then I’ll need a bigger house with a room just for all my saddles :joy:


Oh no! I hope the patient is ok! Vet bills like to come suck up whatever money I thought I had.

That’s why I’m trying to rehome this saddle. It’s too small for me and taking up room that I need for new saddles!!! Lol. I should probably just list it on FB for cheap cheap and be done.

He is currently trending towards normal, and irritated that I didn’t turn him out today so I can monitor him. No idea what caused it but he spiked a fever with some other odd symptoms, is on antibiotics and banamine now.

One of my saddle purchases arrived today, it’s a titch wide but good enough to be going on the ‘possibly’ list for the fitter to look at.


I’m glad to hear he is ok even if a lil cranky.

I hope a saddle will work out for you. I know how hard that journey can be!