Awww! Little guy in a big stall. Our boy shares a 12x18 stall with my Mustang. He’s always the first one to the door.
Sometimes when the barn is closed up, he just roams around. He might help you tack up a horse. He’s pretty annoyed that the fences at the new place were built with him in mind. No more changing fields at will.
Simple solution, let him be a yard donkey!! I have 3 donkeys; a mother and a baby who are slightly feral and are kept in a pasture because while they’re very sweet and finally halter broke, they do not lead and are still happy to kick when angry, and then there is Kiki. Kiki is the single most perfect creature to ever exist. She is the antithesis of any other donkey alive. She is so easy to work with, she loves attention, she’s patient, kind, willing, and absolutely the joy of my farm. But Kiki gets very sad when she’s in a pasture, even with friends. So Kiki has earned the distinct privilege of being a free range yard donkey. She has an open paddock with access to her automatic waterer and run in, but she has absolute free run of the farm. She was chilling out in the arena when we were riding tonight! She comes and finds the feed cart at breakfast and dinner and we drop her grain wherever we find her and put her hay under her run. She often greets me on the portico in the morning, and I am definitely waiting on the day that girlfriend figures out that my front door is a lever and not a knob and she can let herself right in (just like my 702 lb Yorkshire does every morning and night, but she actually does sleep in the house!). Having a yard donkey brings so much joy to us, our clients, and our visitors. 10/10 highly recommend!!
Of Kiki & that Ginormous Yorkie
We will do that for Tony, once we add a few fences.
We’ve had a lot of snow. I had to dig my ass out.
We turned the horses out to clean stalls. He was checking out the shovel. His new hero.
“Real Donkeys Wear Blankets!”*
*for those under 60, I was referencing the book “Real Men Don’t Eat Quiche” – not saying everyone’s donkeys need blankets!!
I thought you were going to say “Cover Your Ass”!
Gives a whole new meaning to being “up to your ass in snow!”
OMG he is too funny. Did he run out there and then just refuse to turn around and walk back? Is that his first deep snow?
Yes, and yes. I think he was capable, but unwilling. He did an Eyore.
I love him! To be fair, I don’t think I’d like snow up to my belly either. I get it, buddy.
Oh poor baby! What’s the story behind him getting stuck?
What happened on our farm was that we’ve been using the big pasture for day turnout, but the snow is so high now that I was worried that the horse might be able to get over the corner fence where the snow is packed down. The round pen fence is taller, so we made a path and used it for the first time after another snow. It was deep and untouched. The horse and pony made more trails so the donkey had room to play after I dug him out.
In the first photo I was trying to lead him out from the barn to the pasture in the path made by the horses (I rode one out in halter/leadrope and ponied the other). He almost made it until we hit that spot! In the second and third photos, he went on a walkabout on his way back to the barn and finally ran out of steam. I used to let him bring himself in from turnout and he’d generally make it almost all of the way to the barn, but every now and then he got inspired to go exploring. He’s the best donkey! He lives with @fordtraktor now (where I’m sure he sees more snow than here) and I really miss him.
@Libby2563’s donkey really is the best! We adore him!
A few weeks ago, windchill -35!
Getting a bath from my older son, who dotes on him….
With his “mom” in their matching fly sheets…
He likes to come hang out at dinner parties and give kids donkey rides. My trainer runs her program out of my farm and everyone has to give him a treat. He’s the best and most spoiled donk ever.
Oh, Mein Gott in Himmel
That’s snow almost OVER your ass!
I got his age wrong. He’s only 2 1/2. I don’t know what I was thinking. He is very much a teenage equine right now, so I had to remind myself of his age. Nipping is coming back this week. I must say that he was a horrible brat when we brought him home, but he stopped many of the bad behaviors with steady handling. However, he reverts on the nipping periodically. They’ve been in because of cold days and he wants to play. I’m going to try clicker training and blocking/ignoring when he does it. Smacking doesn’t work. It’s just an invitation to keep playing.