Naughty donkey. New pictures 5/15

Donkeyotee was the best. He was near death when I got him as a 4 and 1/2 month old foal. The previous owner was reported and did get in serious trouble (long story of a terrible hoarder). He was with us for 12 years until we lost him due to an internal abnormality from a hernia. Our vet fixed the hernia when he was castrated, but the additional damage wasn’t seen at that time.

This was our first donkey that started it all. We actually got some checks from this video going viral. We always used the money for fencing or donkey rescue (after we lost Donkeyotee).


Awwww! I love him!

My donkey has mostly been solo with horses since weaning (she is pretty sure she is a thoroughbred). But for a few years, I acquired my then-landlord’s donkey. They were a hoot together! You are going to have so much fun.


This made my Friday :heart: