Need help coping with Fibromyalgia

You may also want to talk to them about THC in pill form for pain relief if your current medicine is not working. I think it gets tricky when they start mixing and matching medications without really knowing what they are trying to fix!

I would also keep a “pain diary” to track when you feel better vs worse. What you are doing, how you feel mentally, what you are eating and maybe even things such as how you slept or the weather. A psychologist will have you do this likely anyway, but it might help you discover triggers or patterns in your pain.[/QUOTE]

A second vote for trying synthetic THC–Marinol or Dronabinol (the generic). Decades ago my neurologist diagnosed me with fibromyalgia (in addition to my MS.) When I finally convinced my neurologist to put me on Marinol for my MS symptoms my fibromyalgia went away completely after I got up to 10 mg/day (spread out over the day.) Start with a low dose and work up to an effective dose, if you can find a doctor that will cooperate with you.

How bad was I? I was screaming in pain whenever my husband even touched me.

I posted a long reply on the same topic for Paige777…