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Need help finding a saddle for my growing 4 yr old OTTB!!!

If the SW is too narrow, give the Ainsley a shot. They’re nice saddles, and the med. tree may well offer a better fit.

Can she send you tracings, to compare against the two saddles? Then you can ship the one that seems most likely.

One more question. I have am Cloud9’s mother. I have an older Ainsley Chester with a medium tree. Do we think that might work as a stop gap?[/QUOTE]
I have a very old Ainsley Chester with a medium tree that is my trusty go to saddle for young TBs. I haven’t had a TB yet that I couldn’t find a saddle/pad combo that would not work to some acceptable degree. In some cases it was stop gap for a year of growth, but I’ve found it to be a tremendously useful saddle for this type of situation.

Thanks so much all. Goforagallop, great idea. I also have an Ainsley XC that she used to use to compete. I compared all three, and I suspect that the XC falls between the SW and the Chester. I think if she can get me a wither tracing, that would be best, but knowing college students, I will probably ship her the XC and she can pad it up if it is too wide.

So my OTTB is still a saddle fitting mystery! The Ainsley XC was much too tight in his shoulder, and I have yet to find a saddle that is not too tight. I am not sure how to solve this as he has the typical TB high withers but a shoulder as big as a quarter horse’s shoulder.

Looking at the photos indicate that your TB is broader then many although I do think you might still need a deeper front panel. Your horse may not need wither gussets but likely a K or trapezius type or skid row panel. Pessoa and Kent and Masters jump offer saddles with the changeable gullet system and TB type options.