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Netflix Show “Bad Sport” and the Horse Hitman

Wait… the fire completely destroyed the horse carcass? Wow… I have witnessed the clean up of 1 barn fire and the horses were still in quite good condition… hardly just ‘horse shoes’.

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Maybe shoes on a carcass? I don’t remember the details but it was something along the line of someone wanting closure by seeing her horse’s stall and she noticed the shoes.

Not to be gross, but typically a whole carcass - when burnt - will “drop” the hoof capsules. So if the owner went to the stall, perhaps the carcass was removed but the capsules (and shoes) were still in the stall.

Same when a carcass dehydrates out in the bush. The capsules detach from the bones of the hoof, usually quite cleanly.


Canterbury is/was just west of Gainesville

Jean Slaughter Doty also wrote “The Monday Horses” which covers drugging for showing. Just as depressing now as it was when it was published in 1978.

On a lighter note, her “The Summer Pony” is a wonderful child’s book that works correct horse care into the plot.


Yes, The Monday Horses is perhaps her most famous book! And Dark Horse also touches upon a horse who is a talented jumper, but soured by the show ring and becomes dangerous as a result.


Streetwise was the horse, if we’re talking about the one owned by Donna (Mrs. Buddy) Brown. His name had been changed from Inniskeep. Sally Sexton had him when he won on the line as a young horse.

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You ask, I provide:

The Monday Horses:

The original Summer Pony and Winter Pony:

Dark Horse:


@Old_Mac_Donald Thank you for this. Had no idea this resource existed. Signed up.


My jaw actually dropped! The argument of the episode definitely seemed to be that Ward was the real mastermind/bad guy, and Burns got caught up in it through a mix of wanting a father figure/wanting to impress Ward, and flat-out greed.


I just watched. I was dating a good friend of George Lindemann at that time…I remember a lot of this stuff


Wow! I never heard this either. When I worked for Barney and met Tommy Burns they seemed like the best of friends. However, this wasn’t near the end of the killings, more like the middle so yeah, they would be close. Everyone knew that if the “Sandman” was at a show, a horse would be dead in the morning.


Did George actually have good friends?


I dunno, I have this distant, well repressed memory that he was named chef for a red hot minute after the Graf George era. The Dressage Chef d’Equipe that is… But because I hate throwing up in my mouth even a little never mind a lot, it’s a fairly well repressed memory


I do not have a million dollars.

But if I did, I would bet a million dollars that did not happen.

You can Google the names on the list and see that many of them have very public internet faces and businesses…some still giving clinics etc.

I’m surprised cancel culture hasn’t gotten to them yet.

I want to keep this list of criminals and their associates on hand so I dont accidentally support someone who is proud to have ridden with the people. You are a combination of your 5 closest people…


I cannot picture that in the slightest. Generally the chef has to have a working knowledge of the sport. I suppose it is possible the dressage powers that be named him chef in exchange for a billion dollar donation, but he only owned Graf George for about 15 minutes, so it seems highly unlikely.

Robert Dover was the dressage chef at the time. But I would not be at all surprised if GL did not try to buy himself a slot.

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I watched the documentary and thought it was super well done. It definitely filled in some holes that Hot Blood left open. I do truly think Burns probably is remorseful but I found it a bit cringy that he was interviewed in a barn. Is he still involved with horses??

I’m also 0% surprised that people involved still make money in this industry. Just one look at the way child r*apists are protected tells you everything you need to know. “Who cares what they did, they’re a good trainer”. :roll_eyes:


I’d totally be down with that, and in hindsight it may have just been that overwhelming disgust I felt when he bought GG with delusions of Olympic glory that is being supressed.