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Neutering a cat that isn’t technically yours

If he’s a singer/talker - Mr. Chess Records, on a lazy day Chessalump, on a day needing a more formal name Chestopher. He looks so very happy :slight_smile:


Ha! Love them all!
He has a new lease on life … without his Chessticles! Lol


please give a warm welcome to the newest member of the “Ball-less and Flawless” club - Terrance AKA the west coast alley cat Chessie


Awwwwwww @BatCoach ! He’s lovely!!! Job well done!!! I’m so happy for you and your red headed boy. :heart::cat2: :heart::cat2::heart::cat2::heart::cat2::heart::cat2:
Look at those Tom Cat cheeks on him. Love him.

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This is my view most days post lobotomy.
Ball less and Flawless indeed!!! This cat isn’t going anywhere.


This guy has so much confidence - he strutted right into the trap and took his time chowing down on the bait. I’m glad he wont be getting into anymore fights - he is smaller but is constantly challenging the older, bigger tom (we got him too).

I don’t doubt that I will have some of Terrance’s kittens on my hands soon - he was regularly cavorting around the tiny dilute tabby girl. These are the new residents of my makeshift maternity ward.


Good on you @BatCoach. Seriously it’s a lot of work to break the cycle of intact reproducing dumped cats. You deserve kudos for your efforts !! Thank you :pray: for trying to give these cats a better life. Sending all my good vibes your way.


appreciate it! Dilute tabby (Daisy) is starting to come out of her shell and trust me which really makes it all worth while - those first purrs let me know that I made the right choice.


Yay for Terrance and your maternity ward looks quite cozy too!

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Thanks! I have some pet-safe heat pads for when the little ones come and chilly nights. Still working on the best balance of blankets vs. cleanliness. Daisy is still figuring out that the litter should stay IN the box, rather than brining your blanket in the litter box. We’ll get there hahaha. Right now I just strip the cage daily and put in fresh towels & a fleece blanket for snuggling. Its good to see that the capstar is working - no more fleas for these gals!


They are so funny with their little quirks. She is either trying to sleep in there or really really covering it up. :slight_smile: Looks like you have a happy maternity ward. Kittens are cute and all but glad there will be no more.

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This thread makes me so happy that others have given street cats a chance. I’m a huge advocate of if you catch it, spay/neuter it. There’s too many street cats and unwanted cats out there.

I acquired a female cat from a neighbor back in December. Neighbor managed to catch the neighborhood stray, who no one stepped forward to claim, and gave her to me to be my barn cat. We kept Socks locked in the tack room while she gained weight and recovered from her time outside, then ended up transitioning her to house cat life. Shortly before she was finally rehabbed enough to spay she managed to pop out 6 kittens. So now we’re back on the waiting game and thankfully have her spay appointment set up for the end of May (along with all her babies). No idea what we’re doing with the babies and her yet, other than getting them all fixed and comfortable with house cat life!



Friday afternoon Feral mama 1 (Daisy) had 4 gorgeous little babies. 1 ginger, 1 smoke, 2 brown tabby. She is a very good mama and lets me cautiously handle the babies, all of whom are gaining weight steadily.

Feral mama 2 (Marlow) was giving birth right when I had to leave for work this morning (to quote Angela from the Office “why doesn’t this company recognize cat maternity leave?” DH is keeping an eye on her from afar since she is much more feral and we don’t want to upset her.


Bless you @BatCoach! You are a gem to take care of these kitties :cat:!

They’re gorgeous and adorable!

thank you! Did anyone order a baby Chessalump? even though this pic was taken on Saturday this lil fuzzy peach is in the leaderboard for “best eater”


Awwwww!!!’ Squeeeeeeeee! I :heart: Him.
PS guessing it’s a he as 99.9% of every ginger I’ve had has been a boy.

Awww!!! Precious!

I hope this doesn’t come across as rude, but are you working with a rescue that can help with food and medical costs? Spay/neuter/shots is not cheap.

If not, I’d be happy to contribute a dribble.

Again, I don’t mean to pry into your business or to be rude, but I know how much it costs. All of my cats are old and sick so I’m not able to foster right now but do enjoy living vicariously through others. :slight_smile:


@rubygirl1968 I’d donate too!! It takes a village to break the cycle. And I’m so grateful there are people who give a F. About other peoples bad decisions.


I love Mama’s sweet face. She looks so happy. Can’t wait til babies get bigger and start to romp. I love their little Charlie Brown Christmas tree tails at that age.