Neutering a cat that isn’t technically yours

@BatCoach. It’s been an honor. Over the last year learning and sharing with you. I guess it’s closing time. Best wishes and PLEASE check in with any updates. And perhaps new developments…. Because we both know …… new cats always show up. :heart: Good night


I have loved reading about Chester and the feral mom cats and now house kittens.

This thread helped after I lost Dice and probably got me to look at photos of cats sooner as opposed to later, thereby finding my Tom.


Happy to hear and see all the updates. Both Chester and Gemma look happy. (She just looks like trouble lol)

Thanks for sharing your stories, They made US happy, too.


What a journey for all the efforts and work, we are all so grateful you shared with us through photos. You’ve made these kitties’ lives so much better. Thank You.


I know I said I was done with this thread lol but remember about a hundred posts back when I was worried my dog would kill Chester ? And I got advice about introducing them? My Goodness it worked.


I don’t remember if it was @Marla_100 or @moonlitoaksranch but I am so grateful for your wise words.

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I’m glad it worked out. :hugs:

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What a sweet picture! I’m so glad it worked. Chester got the quite the upgrade.


It was Marla! That’s such good news! Lucky creatures to have found you.


I knew if it worked for my 2 wild and wooly rescue shepherds, it was probably doable for your critters. So glad to have helped.

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Bit of good news. Remember how I said now that the kittens were gone it was time to start focusing on trapping? The colony still has 3 toms (one of which is Gemma’s dad) and there was this black and white cat that was on the fringe. Not quite in the colony, but very shy. This cat looked female, but I could never get close enough to tell for certain.

I set out a trap Sunday night since the vet that I had a feral fix voucher for only intakes on Monday mornings. There was one ‘false alarm’ when one of the chubby colony regulars calmly entered the trap to indulge in the canned gravy friskies bait. He had already been TnR’d and just wanted the tasty meal :roll_eyes: I let him out and reset everything hoping I could trap 1 of the 4 kitties I was targeting.

Sure enough that good kitty karma smiled on me and the black and white kitty entered the trap! And
she’s a girl!!! I’d be happy to get one of the toms, but getting any female before she is super pregnant is a huge win.

All went well and she had an uncomplicated spay. She really is a quiet, sweet little thing. The vet wanted a name for her even though she is feral - so say hi to “sue” sporting the ever-fashionable ear-tip. No gutter kittens for Sue this year!


Hi Sue! Well done @BatCoach.

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Great Job. Will Sue be turned back out w/ her group?

yes, she will be released back to the colony. Hopefully now that she is fixed the other spayed females will accept her. I have seen them accept a lone female before, it just takes a few weeks. Sue started to show up about 2 months ago, but I would not see her on a regular basis. The vet always scans for microchips, so we know she didn’t have an owner (or a responsible one at least) .

I am learning that its pretty common for a lone cat to two to try to join the colony. Some stick around, others don’t. I was surprised to catch her since I don’t see her as often as the 3 boys I am trying to trap.


She’s awful cute. I bet she could find a nice home.

Thank you for helping her have a better life.

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