New Issues for SafeSport

I’m in HR and same here. Unfortunately with the US being such a litigious society the risk just isn’t worth it. Even a frivolous lawsuit costs time and money to defend against. I would personally hope it’s different for professions in institutions working with children or for the protection of society. However I could also see this being some sort of union issue where they’ve negotiated it not being able to disclose the info.

(Caveat here that I’ve never been HR for a union workforce so this is pure conjecture based on my understanding of the bargaining power of the union)

First- get the information correct. He was not convicted, or even charged when he was hired. He was just arraigned on Jan 10.

Isn’t that what those who are screaming about SS in general complain about? Guilty before proven-so.

He has NO PREVIOUS CONVICTION, your statement in incorrect, so SS hired him.

No profession is immune, which is why we need protections.


McDowell did some digging and saw news reports that Krasley had been arrested and charged with theft and receiving stolen property for allegedly stealing $5,500 that had been confiscated from a drug bust in Allentown in 2019. The criminal case in Pennsylvania still has not been resolved.

I’m surprised Safe Sport may not have asked his former employers if they would rehire him. It seems sloppy to me. Wouldn’t it be one of the most telling questions to ask about a prospective investigator?


At this point in time what we can say is that safe sport is a bit more prompt in resolving these matters than the police department, where he held more potential power over people than he ever did as an investigator for safe sport. What we don’t know is if the PD moved as expeditiously as possible given the evidence available.

And it sure would have been useful, once he was indicated, if the prosecutor would have reached out to safe sport to let them know. I do have a certain amount of empathy for an organization that employees someone who is indicated while employed and after the initial background check. It’s not like these various judicial systems are linked and some alarm goes off on HR the moment there is an indictment.


Maybe in this case, but in general? Oh hell no! There are cases pending with SS even with a not guilty verdict after more than 5 years in limbo. Don’t tell me they’re prompt about ANYTHING. I love the concept behind Safe Sport but the execution is sorely lacking. JMO, YMMV


Some employers won’t even offer up that much information. The only thing they will do is confirm the dates of employment. (In this case I don’t know if that’s the policy for this police department, but it isn’t uncommon.)


I was only referring to how quickly they released the investigator from employment, and ONLY that. Speedy resolution is a huge issue, but kind of OT