New USEF crown piece padding rule

Any information about the reasoning behind this new rule stating that padding under the crown piece has to be continuous and not as 2 separate pieces with an unpadded piece at the poll (i.e. one that provides pressure relief at the poll). Or am I reading things incorrectly? are there any actual studies using pressure imaging or measurements to validate their reasons?

There’s already a thread about this, it was discussed during Regionals when people were being told their bridles were illegal.


I think this was it. There may have been another thread running concurrently?


@Mountainbellls In short, it’s felt that the pressure is not evenly distributed on the poll because the padding is not continuous and smooth. (Some bridles even have thicker padding on the sides-which would increase pressure on those small areas even more).

That would only make sense if there was no ridge where the mane is located.
Even with the mane clipped down to almost nothing there is still a bump there.


I would like to see REAL data showing increased pressure on the side pieces. For instance, is there good quality, replicated data using pressure mapping?

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This! I know lots of people who use this crownpiece because of the relief it gives over the clipped crest area. It will make contact, but not have undue pressure. In fact, it probably equalizes pressure due to the crest ridge (although I have no data, just ancecdotal evidence). Sensitive horses appear to really like it. This is the opposite of what USEF should be doing. They should spend their time policing real abuse and not this.

It’s exhausting to keep up with the tack rules, especially when there is no transparency to their basis for it.