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Nice moving ugly horse?

Isn’t it funny! My friend who boarded her as a foal and raised her was scared people would think she was an abuse case :joy: poor little thing lol

The funny thing now is her back is 14.3 and her withers are around15.2 so it’s like her butt stopped growing and somehow the withers went for a growth spurt. I have her half sister - same sire- sorry I know not actually considered a sister - and she is totally different build but very similar personality and temperament. She’s 17.1 vs 15.2.

I think it’s important people realize nice horses especially Thoroughbreds are made through training and good horsemanship.


I just bought one after looking for months, but I would have been begging you to sell me that gorgeous horse.

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I can give another good reference for Sarah. We’ve bought through her before as well and she’s great. Honest on the horses, and a good horse person as well.

As far as the chestnut, I like her.


I have always been told if there is TB or Arab in a horse it will look good again in training, no matter how it looks now.

Usually an ugly horse is better trained than a pretty horse, as the poor ugly horse is only trained by a horseman, as was never sold to anyone by someone falling in love with it.

I owned the most beautiful horse in the world. (Me biased, never!) And the ugliest horse in the world.

On the most beautiful horse in the world, I let him go along like a slop in warm up so as the other riders would talk to me. I them would pick him up and put him to work and when we won they would all come up and talk to me. If I warmed him up like a Winner no one would talk to me.

On the ugliest horse in the world I didn’t even have to ride. I could just be sitting on him. Everyone would start a conversation with me.

He is an interesting color isn’t he? What kind of a horse do you call that? Etc, etc

He was a 16.3hh flea bitten grey but the flea bites were very very very dark and almost touching all over. I had one of the first wintecs that came out. It was brown and faded to a mauve.

The first time I took him to a lesson my instructor commented that I had a purple horse!

True to being well trained, he raced until he was 7 in New Zealand. He was a winner. He was the fastest horse I ever rode. You would be cantering and you just lent down and said you can go boy. The whole horse came up underneath you, went out between you legs, came back down and then he would go. He accelerated and accelerated and accelerated and after that was over he had a soft mouth and could be stopped if you wanted to. Even with glasses you had tears streaming down your face from the wind. You would reach the end of the State forest and turn and start walking back and meet the other horses half way.

One day I was on Pepper and let somebody else ride Moby. (Monition Boy) Pep could keep up with ex racehorses. Pep was only half TB. My instructor asked when he last raced. I said he was not a racehorse he is part stock horse. She said he had the brain of a racehorse more than most racehorses.

We were cantering with Moby when she let him go. Pepper galloped with his ears back and then lightened his speed and watched Moby go with his ears forward, then he put his ears back and galloped as fast as he had ever gone before. Moby just got further and further and further away. Again Pepper lightened his speed and put his ears forward to watch him go. I could feel his disbelief. I just laughed and stroked him on the neck and told him it was okay, he didn’t have to try, he would never catch him.

Moby could also jump the moon and was an A grade show jumper.

I also had Mister Silvertone who was another flea bitten TB, and not that pretty. He had a trot like a jackhammer, but he was a B grade show jumper with the most comfortable canter you had ever sat.


Congratulations on your new horse!


Thank you! Finally!!

He arrives tomorrow. :grin:


Lol congratulations!! Pics!

@Jealoushe @Peggy

Here he is!


What a face!


Do you know what Moby’s breeding and race record? It would be interesting to see what’s in his background.

WHO is HE?! We need info!! DEETS~!!

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He’s an 11 year old DWB whose teen owner is going on to other things. In this overheated market, I feel lucky I had the chance to own him. But ask me again in a couple of weeks!

He’s an average mover, sort of a county-level horse so just my speed. Very comfy to sit.

He’s definitely going on a feeding program he might not like. The vet said to take 200-300 lbs off of him.


I agree with the vet, he’s looking a bit metabolic, but I wouldn’t kick him out of my barn!

I like him! I hope you enjoy him.

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I’m sorry I have no idea. I owned him as a teenager, so 40 or so decades ago. So a long time before the internet!

I can tell you that I took him to a combined training and after the dressage a girl came up to me and asked if he was Monition Boy and I said yes. She said she had been watching me in amazement as she had fallen in love with him on the track and bought him off the track.

She said she never got along with him and he used to continually rear up and go over backwards on her. She had sold him to a guy thinking that he did not like females, then stood watching me ride him and couldn’t believe it, so she had to come and ask.

When he came to me he was being ridden in a running martingale with knots tied in it to have leverage on his mouth to keep his head down.

As with other horses tortured like this, that means they get a release when the rings are taken off and their head goes up further than before. I took my life in his hands taking it off and had to ride with my head turned sideways so as he didn’t knock me out for a few weeks.

As I said he turned out having the most beautiful mouth and after a few weeks he never threw his head again.

…but I can tell you she terrified me before going into the showjumping and I was having kittens, but he went around the showjumping like a lamb.

I bought him off the son of the guy who owned the Agistment property we bought. He was showjumping him.


Sounds like he found the right home with you.

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He’s so very cute! Excited for you!!


So excited for you! He has the sweetest face.