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NINE dead birds found in water trough today... How could this happen???

I have a large piece of plastic 1/2" grid mesh. I cut several 4" wide 3’ long pieces and tied them to my water troughs (I use the plastic muck buckets with the rope handles removed, so used the holes to tie the mesh to). This will give the next unlucky chipmunk (:mad:) or bird something the grab on to and climb out on no matter what the water level in the tub.

I had 5 young swallows all fly into my living room this year when the doors were open! Must have been an entire nestfull having flying practice.*:lol:

You wouldn’t happen to be near where they sprayed for Zika virus and saw a massive insect die off?

Because 9 birds at once is kinda crazy, wildlife ladders or not.