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NQR In the Hind End- Thoughts?

Yes, I’m always on the lookout for anything amiss or signs of ulcers, etc. He’s not exactly stoic when it comes to being “off” in some way, so I trust that he’ll let me know if things aren’t good in that area. I supplement him with a few Probios treats every day (and maybe I imagine it, but if I run out or forget for a couple of days, I swear he gets more anxious, maybe flinching away from grooming, pinning ears if I brush flanks, spooking at nothing, etc.)

He’s out 24/7 and I make sure he’s getting plenty of good hay. So far, so good, but always vigilant about that! Thanks for the reminder!

Thanks again for all the suggestions, guys.
@ladipus He did get his back x-rayed at Cornell and they saw no signs of kissing spines (I’m sure they were sick and tired of hearing me ask if they were ‘sure’). He does have some mild arthritic changes in his back which is why we tried injections there. It’s possible that even though he’s no longer palpating sore, he could still be tender back there so I’ll definitely talk to the vet about what else we could try for that. We unfortunately did not get neck x-rays at Cornell, which I’m still kicking myself about. All three vets who’ve examined him don’t think he has neck issues but given that they’re stumped it doesn’t hurt to check.
@Bonnie2 His vets are pretty confident that any SI soreness is secondary to pain elsewhere given the lack of reaction to the injections and rehab schedule we tried. I have tried to keep up with SI strengthening exercises like poles and hill work when he’s been sound enough for light riding, but again, it could definitely still be an issue.