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Old Dog Issues, Is there a Cure?

Another vote for a shift in feeding times and putting him on a leash to go out that last time.

The fact he sometimes won’t leave the deck makes me think he may be worried about vision loss and/or may be creaky from age and not have enough motivation to move and work it out (esp if he had been laying down). That may mean posturing to potty is uncomfortable. Perhaps if you walk him a couple laps around the yard, that will encourage him to potty for you even if he can’t hear you asking.

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I’d also recommend proactively taking the dog out on a leash and walking it. They can have a harder time going and need to move around a bit, but also may not be inclined to do that on their own. Maybe after pacing around a bit in the middle of the night they are able to go, or just that additional time made it a bit easier, but you should be able to help it along on your time schedule (provided there is nothing else medical going on).

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We have an older dog who will pee in the house during the night. My SO lets her outside right before coming up to bed and puts the dog inside a crate. Around 1am she (SO) gets up and lets said canine outdoors and when dog comes back inside dog gets to remain at large. I get up around 5am and i let dog out then. Takes a LOT of management, but we don’t have pee to clean up. Dog is only 10, so we probably have 5 more years of this (been one already)

Oh, and we take up her water bowl at 6pm. I give her water bowl back when i get up at 5