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Olympian, dressage rider - serious abuse allegations

Happens everywhere.


Those allegations are horrific. I can’t even imagine.

And those are just the ones who get caught.



I could have, but preferred to wait until a more substantiated report was available. As the OOP did not supply her name, neither did I.

Easy enough to work out.

Actually the State Dept. visits them the first couple of months they are in the states (if they can find them). They ask them questions about their employment and look at the living conditions. More often than not it not their countrymen pimping them Lewiston ME had a preacher bringing in people from his country and giving them false SS numbers. The asian women you see in the “massage parlors” are brought in by men from their own country and when the place is busted the court system usually does nothing and the group move elsewhere.
So before you blame it on the GOP take a look at the facts.
My BF worked for the state dept. and was frustrated by the system.


I admit I’m a bit lost. Were the 18 months tacked on because of these additional abuses that these 30 grooms reported? Or is it a separate matter?

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In the middle = bad AI translation for " in the dressage/equestrian world" and that’s what makes me so angry, is that no one reported this terrible abuse before. Heck it should be reported the very first time it’s seen!
I am so mad that this sort of thing is still going on, and I am sure this Morgan Barbançon is one of many abusers, unfortunately.
If the allegations are true, she belongs in jail, and I hope her career is over and her horses all find caring, compassionate homes.


It’s not 100% clear to me either but it sounds like she appealed, people came forward and it backfired on her and her suspension was extended. Probably to let the legal system do it’s work. She does not live in France so it’s complicated.

Ah yes, the Queen of Rollkur. Sounds logical.


We removed the general political commentary not directly related to the thread topic (and responses to it), as that’s more appropriate for Current Events.


If the rider named on this thread is the correct target, yes - the original suspension was for failure to report whereabouts as a rider subject to out-of-competition drug testing.

But as we have seen on the other thread about Parra, has she actually BEEN reported?

And the next question is if she was reported, was anything done about it?



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It says in the article that 30 people sent letters to the Court of Arbitration so yeah, it sounds like she has been.


A giant sense of entitlement by the sound of it, as well as being an appalling excuse for a human being.


I just can’t understand how these types of people are allowed to continue on when people know about the abuse they inflict on the horses and people. Why is it so hard to stand up against these monsters?


Well she has come out publicly to deny it all, says people are lying and that the suspension was only due to the WADA location problems and that no other complaints were made to the Arbitration Court for Sports. If that’s true and the reporting is false - that is just as shocking to me as the original charges were!! It was no secret who they were referring to in the original articles and the reaction was of course very negative given the recent high profile cases of labor violations in Switzerland and social license. This is a very strange story.

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“ In the absence of CAS publishing its exact reasoning for the sanction, allegations were made online that the increased suspension was related to horse abuse – although this would have been outside the scope of this arbitration.”