Many, many of us are very familiar with @fivestrideline and her horses, as she’s had several threads on them, with lots of pictures. So yeah, we actually do know that her saying they’re well taken care of, is reality. It’s really not hard to find her threads in which she discusses a lot of things, and adds a lot of pics.
which is exactly I gave a link on HOW to take them. They may not end up the most perfect pics for evaluating small details, but they are also VERY easy to take to the point any major issues will be easily seen.
Honestly, if I had a horse who only had hind feet like you describe, I’d be getting xrays done to see what might not be visible from the outside, or to prove that whose who have educate eyes CAN see from the outside, is actually reality, such as thin soles, negative palmar angle, lateral imbalances, and more
Why? If you only knew how many threads there have been on “why is my horse’s back so sore”, “why does my horse refuse to jump”, “why won’t my horse canter”, with the “his feet are fine, my vet and farrier say so”, and yet simple pictures show the feet are FAR from fine, you would understand why people are a bit skeptical until proven otherwise.
But if you want to just put shoes on the hinds, go for it. I hope you’re not just covering up a problem that will only get worse and come back to bite the horse in worse ways than just bruising.