Opening a consignment tack shop?

Not circuit, not showing. I buy EVERYTHING used so I love the consignment shops. However, given that I don’t show, I’m not that big a buyer.

One thing our consignment shops have is an automatic price reduction over time on items that don’t sell. So if someone insists on listing their heart saddle for sale at mega bucks, it eventually prices down into a range that someone will buy it, and it doesn’t require thousands of phone calls back and forth between shop and seller.

Another rule I’d put in place if i were you would be an automatic disposer price. If that heart saddle doesn’t sell, and gets down into the $100 range, and it’s been there for 4 years, you get to donate it (or throw it out). Consignment shops seem to get stuck with a lot of stuff because sellers are unrealistic.

Our barn has a freebie barrel that gets looked thru quite often. You might try such a thing in your store, and see if it brings people ‘just stopping by’.