Options for drug-free pain relief

TENS, Thermotex heating pads (thermotex.com), self massage, accupuncture.

Ah, great everyone! Thanks!

I’ve tried TENS before, and it’s just a matter of investing in my own unit. I will be doing it soon though, as I was quite pleased with the results

Acupuncture/pressure has been suggested to me and I do believe I will try it. I tried one massage therapist with poor results, but I think I’ll try to find another one.

I think I forgot to mention that I’ll start physical therapy too, as soon as I get the all clear to resume physical activity from my TBI doctor. I’m expecting that some targeted training to my areas of weakness will help immensely.

As for the herbs = drugs, I completely agree, I just think that natural products tend to be less harmful/have fewer side effects when used properly. I’ve been using some herbal teas for sleeping and I’ve found them quite helpful so I will explore the ones you suggested.

Arnica orally & topically, or Traumeel cream. Comfrey (sp?)…you can buy the leaves and make your own “poultice” of sorts, also, I believe you can drink the tea as well… Valarian Root is fabulous! and last, but not least, see if you can find a chiropractor or massage therapist that offers laser therapy. My clinic (veterinary) just recently purchased one, and the results (small animal, equine & human) that I have seen in just the 8 weeks we’ve been using it, has been astounding!!!:yes:

I have Systemic Scleroderma (auto-immune), which is extremely painfull (similar to RA), and these are the things (Natural anyway) that I have found to be most helpfull. Good Luck!

Living w/ chronic pain can be so taxing. I wouldn’t wish this on anyone…

I forgot to mention lidocaine patches-not “drug free” but definitely a lighter and more gentler way of pain relief than oral meds.

I forgot to mention lidocaine patches-not “drug free” but definitely a lighter and more gentler way of pain relief than oral meds.[/QUOTE]


I use them at night to help me sleep through the night they are amazing! The patches are big enough that I cut them in half and put them on 2 spots on my knee. They are COLD though when you put them on, sometimes I forget and stick them on :eek:

They last for 12 hours so I put them on a few hours before bed and take them off in the AM.

For back pain, my favorites are a tennis ball and the previously mentioned booze. I have an emergency tennis ball in my office; the boss frowns on that less than the $6 wine.

The tennis ball sounds strange, but it works for trigger point related spasms. Lie on the ground, and place the tennis ball under your back, to one side of your spine. DO NOT PUT THE BALL DIRECTLY UNDER YOU SPINE. Hold it there for around 10 seconds, then move it up (or down if you started at your neck). When you find a trigger point, it will hurt like hell, but this is what you want. The pain should drop a bit after a few seconds, then push harder against the ball until the pain drops again. You might have to move on and come back a couple times.

Since trigger points can be pretty sore after they’re released, I found that rubbing them with something like Tiger Balm helps. The 2 glasses of wine after that help more.

Deep tissue massage helps, but can suck and be wonderful at the same time. Don’t cut corners though, I’m still fixing the damage done by a cheaper massuse almost 3 months ago.

if it’s good for you?

ICE! Ice the area.

And if I may be snarky for a moment…I love the people who want to be “drug free” and yet injest a bunch of herbals or supplements instead. Herbs break down into chemicals, are made from plants and have an effect on the body or just pass thru…just like a medicine or drug!! :yes: Drugs/herbs break down into chemicals! Chemicals are chemicals as far as the body is concerned. Somehow we all feel better if they are “natural”…:confused: AND they are unregulated which scares me. But if you think they work? Go ahead and spend your money! I say, whatever works is good!