Osteoporosis and Riding? Other Ways To Address It?

Yeah, I got tested for Vitamin D levels, and loss of calcium through urination - no problems there. It is just plain ol’ early onset of Osteoporosis, lucky me… And yes, it is at least partly hereditary, and partly health issues (had an emergency full hysterectomy in my mid 30s, and loss of hormones is a huge factor in loss of bone density).

So, onward, and hopefully upward. My first Reclast is this coming week!

Update - got my first Reclast infusion, thank goodness that is only an annual event. Horrifically sick (throwing up) for the first 24 hours, dizzy for a couple of weeks, and debilitating bone pain for several days. But I seem to have survived it, and have 11.5 months before I face it again. Keeping my fingers crossed no long term problems…

No one has mentioned Forteo. Had spinal surgery in September and they found bones very soft. Bone density test showed osteopenia. With hip and knee replacements along with spinal hardware, they had to use my arm. I did have a test in summer of 2018 which said within normal limits.

Forteo is supposedly the only drug that actually regrows bone. Can only be taken for two years, and given daily by injection as the digestive process destroys it. Am finding it hard to get insurance to approve it since I’'ve got no history of fractures. But I’m 74 and ride and drive horses and have a houseful of cats and dogs to trip over. It’s an itty bitty disposable needle that attaches to a prn like container. Had a month’s sample the process wasn’t a biggy. If we can’t get it approved, will have to figure out a plan B. The back doc has a daughter who three day events and is in vet school, so
he gets it (I think).

I was Osteoperotic (?) in my test 3 years ago. That was a shocker, because I’ve always been active and strong. Went on Fosomax, but am non-compliant often. I’m on the weekly pill and I forget at least 50% of the time to take the darned thing, so I go 7 days, 7 days, 9 days, 14 days, 12 days, 7 days, you get the picture. I have no idea what that does over the long term.

Friend of mine who refuses to take Fosomax did some research and told me to eat prunes. There’s something (supposedly) in prunes that’s good for bone building. So, along with the Fosomax, I eat 4-6 prunes a day. Figured it couldn’t hurt.

Just had my 3 year scan, and I’m now osteopenia (which is the step below Osteoporosis. I.e., better.) So some actual improvement, which I didn’t know was possible.

I am very nervous about coming off my horses. I’ve been riding a pony and was very happy, until he began tripping. Great. I’ve begun riding in a cross country vest (though it is my pelvis I’m concerned about, not my ribs/organs). I’ve ordered an air vest – summers here are so darned hot it’s too hot to ride in a SHIRT, let alone a XC vest. We’ll see. I’ve been ‘practicing’ with a fake tether on my XC vest, and so far I’ve only inadvertently “set off” the canister once. At $30 a pop, one has to practice this stuff!

I don’t want to stop riding either. One of these days, a fall will probably seal my fate, but until then, I’m going to the barn.

My insurance won’t cover it - so not really something to talk about in my case.

I could have written this post. I, too, was put on Fosamax (by primary dr). I was similarly non-compliant. I wasn’t on it for very long, had some dental issues & saw that my dental team was very nervous about the Fosamax. I stopped taking it. I’ve since seen an endocrinologist, had another Dexa scan. Good news is that scan was largely unchanged from 4 years ago. I will attribute that to increased weight-bearing exercises. After reading your post about prunes, DH & I are now eating those daily.

I also have an air vest. I live where it is extremely hot & humid. I got used to it.

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Someone I know was on one of the Fosamax type meds and had been complaining to more than one doctor/PA that she was having trouble swallowing, and not one of them made the connection between the Fosamax and the swallowing problem. She just happened to read that swallowing problems could be one of the more serious side effects.

I was keeping track of her experiences with it, but have decided there are too many potential serious side effects so have decided to just skip it and continue to ride until I get banged up enough to be ready to either quit, or at least switch to some safer (less reactive) horses.

It isn’t just being “banged up” - my bones are much more fragile. I am already recovering from a very ugly leg shatter - docs don’t think it was related to osteoporosis, I had a rotational fracture a year ago. I do NOT want to deal with anything like that again - I was in a wheelchair for 3 months, and a year later, still limping badly, unable to run, walk on uneven surfaces, my riding has been badly affected. Osteoporosis is potentially crippling. AND it is progressive - aka it continues to get worse.