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OTTB Health issues - a conglomerate of information

My Purge baby. Never raced. Bought him from golden gate fields. 5 or 6 years ago now.

Clean PPE at the time. Always a little stubborn and opinionated. He’s really hard/funky to catch. Use to shake in his stall. No vices once caught (at least on the ground)

Two mismatched front legs. Unfortunately got strangles in 2018. Thought I was going to lose him. Also flipped up/over on me. Really haven’t done much with him since. I ended up having 2 babies after that and have 2 other nice safe horses.

I think he’s a nice mover, had really cute form over fences. Easiest keeper, barefoot. I know finger lakes listed a filly by the same sire a few years ago. In the ad it said she was quirky. I messaged the gal that bought her.

Anyways, I do like the look of Pulpit offspring. Same with storm cat. I have another TB that’s by Hansen. He’s usually lame. Bought him as a 3 year old. Was lame, out in pasture for 2 years. He can sit for months and you can hop on bareback, ride down the county road, go work cows. Never misses a beat. He has a cute face but ugly body. On the smaller side.