Pelvic pain/Endo/IC/Etc: Helpful Links, stories, therapies...

Since March is Endometriosis Awareness Month, I wanted to bump this up, and add a link to a Database/Spreadsheet that a few of us are working on:

Please feel free to share - just keep in mind it is a work in progress!

OMG, what a timely post! I’ve been having pain on my right side for over a year now, and two ultrasounds, inside and out, have detected nothing. The pain starts at ovulation and ramps up until my cycle, then I have about 10-14 days of peace until it starts up again. My doctor has determined it is a form of endometriosis that is located on/around my right ovary. Short of opening me up and taking it out, there is nothing to do but wait is out until menopause. I’m 52 years old and still cycling regularly. It has seriously cut my riding down this summer, and I am ready for this to be DONE!!![/QUOTE]

I posted the above about a year ago, and this summer totally SUCKED! I barely rode, I was in severe pain monthly and had to take vicodin a few nights a month just to sleep. I finally said ENOUGH and asked for a CT scan. They discovered huge cysts on both my ovaries, along with fibroids. I assumed they were going to want to cut our the cysts if not both ovaries (I’m 53, have had a tubal after two kids so I won’t miss them).

My doctor said that we should try Depo first; more specifically the type used specifically to control Endo called Lupron Depot. He told me it would cause me to go into menopause, but since I’m already part way there, I had no problem with that.

I got my first shot on Tuesday, and (cue the choir) the heavens have parted and I am SO MUCH BETTER! All the screaming back pain is gone. There is still a vague soreness from the ovarian cysts, but it is night and day from what it was a few short days ago. My doctor said the depo might also help shrink the cysts, so I will re-ultrasound in a few months to see.

I encourage anyone suffering from endrometriosis to look into this therapy. It is pricey, my co-pay with BCBS was $245. BUT there is a rebate program from the manufacturer so I’m waiting to see how much I get back from that.

I am totally psyched to start riding again! I’m getting my life back. :slight_smile:

I’m really glad it worked for you. :slight_smile:

Downen im jelous i want my depo back it work for 11yrs