People Attempting to Undermine Safe Sport

On Horse show Diva they say that Katie named the second accuser, did she? I did not see it in the letter posted. Was that brought out on the ISWG page? I knew George a bit from being a groom on the team a few times and never had a problem personally but I can’t join that group or support him.

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Agreed. I can’t imagine why anyone would have their child taught by her at this juncture.


She has a son (who apparently didn’t inherit his mother’s talent; Adam is as rough and ham-fisted a rider as I’ve ever seen)…I wonder if she’d ever have ever, when he was a junior, given serious consideration to sending him to George as a working student?

I’m sure Anne Kursinski appreciates her fellow Olympian’s views on Jimmy Williams.


I can only imagine how horrible this must be for Anne. I am truly angry on her behalf and on behalf of every victim of these predators.

Anne Kursinski, never mind the apologists for your abuser and the abusers of others. Please remember that the majority of good people stand with you and have the utmost respect for your courage. :yes:


I am really struggling with Katie’s letter… I reported her and sent the letter to USEF ( as I’m sure many others did too) and I was really hopeful something would be done, now I wonder. When you go to SafeSport to report something, the website directs you where to go, in this case you are supposed to report to your NGB. I’m trying not judge the USEF too harshly but knowing Katie is the godmother to Reed, the daughter of the USEF’s president, and knowing how the upper echelon of the sport works, I can’t help but wonder if this matter is going to be taken seriously. Katie was openly discussing details and bullying witnesses in a SafeSport case, and did so to shame them or anyone who dares to question her. IMO, she does need to be sanctioned by SafeSport and disciplined by the USEF. I know I can also just report directly to SafeSport but I guess I’m asking if I am seeing this correctly or am I way out of line?

The latest and ![](reatest from AfE:
[h=1]Athletes for Equity in Sport, Inc.[/h] [h=1]Today’s news[/h] [h=2]Honor Patrick “Packy” McGaughan’s Memory with Your Donation!

Help Athletes for Equity in Sport Raise $10K in 60 Days[/h] [h=4][/h] [h=1][IMG]

In loving memory of Patrick “Packy” McGaughan’s unwavering passion for and commitment to the mission of Athletes for Equity in Sport, please help us deliver his message to Congress regarding Senate Bill S.2330 - Empowering Olympic and Amateur Athletes Act of 2019. Packy dedicated the last eight months of his life to the sport he loved and to lobbying efforts on behalf of Athletes for Equity in Sport (AES).

AES is a broad-based group formed by coaches, parents, owners, and athletes involved in Olympic sports. Our mission is to ensure equity in SafeSport procedures. DONATE by visiting, where you’ll also find details about AES’ mission and Senate Bill S.2330.

More Information
AES has a 3-pronged strategy for effecting changes to achieve equity in SafeSport procedures:
1. Legislation
Packy took on the legislation prong, working closely with Tom Sheridan of The Sheridan Group to get the necessary contacts for AES to secure a registered lobbyist in Washington, DC. We want to continue Packy’s legislation program and bring it to full fruition.
2. Litigation
Legal plans of action have been formulated and are ready to be executed at the appropriate time(s).
3. Education
AES informational meetings; letter campaign to Congress; video statements from athletes and coaches; and social services wraparound programs, plus additional support to be announced in the summer of 2020.[/h]
Thank you for donating in honor of Packly!!

I’m sure he’s seen her son socially, being in Wellington for years and having connections to him through others, but it is my understanding that Adam’s education and career began overseas and then came back to Murica. By the time he would have been a working student in the late 2000’s, GM was pretty much not doing anything except acting as Lawn Gnome For Hire and Hunterdon INC had been euthanized due to his legal troubles and age, though Adam has been personally trained by those who like his mother, were GM’s students/proteges at one point or another, including GM’s long-time partner Chris Kappler, so there’s a likelyhood of some level of interaction between the two of them.

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I could say something…but yep, fitting tribute and how he’ll now be remembered.

ETA just saw that at the end they refer to him as Packly, which makes this simultaneously 50 times funnier and yet sadder. Cant even get his name right, but at least he supported pedophiles.


Hmmmm. RG killed himself to avoid facing his accusers. AND I personally have seen evidence of RG exhibiting inappropriate physical contact with a minor in 2017. I turned it over to both Safesport and the USHJA. Make no mistake, RG had not changed his ways.


Hee hee! This is a great image, I thank you!


This. There is a reason chemical castration is a thing for sex offenders.


WT actual F? Has she been living under a rock for all of George’s career? And why post this now? I’m assuming that’s a current letter…which also begs the question why is she teaching lessons and why are horse shows still being held? Is there no coronavirus in the alternative reality in which she clearly lives?



The latest and greatest from AfE:
[h=1]Athletes for Equity in Sport, Inc.[/h] [h=1]Today’s news[/h] [h=2]Honor Patrick “Packy” McGaughan’s Memory with Your Donation!

Help Athletes for Equity in Sport Raise $10K in 60 Days[/h] [h=4][/h] [h=1][IMG]

In loving memory of Patrick “Packy” McGaughan’s unwavering passion for and commitment to the mission of Athletes for Equity in Sport, please help us deliver his message to Congress regarding Senate Bill S.2330 - Empowering Olympic and Amateur Athletes Act of 2019. Packy dedicated the last eight months of his life to the sport he loved and to lobbying efforts on behalf of Athletes for Equity in Sport (AES).

AES is a broad-based group formed by coaches, parents, owners, and athletes involved in Olympic sports. Our mission is to ensure equity in SafeSport procedures. DONATE by visiting, where you’ll also find details about AES’ mission and Senate Bill S.2330.

More Information
AES has a 3-pronged strategy for effecting changes to achieve equity in SafeSport procedures:
1. Legislation
Packy took on the legislation prong, working closely with Tom Sheridan of The Sheridan Group to get the necessary contacts for AES to secure a registered lobbyist in Washington, DC. We want to continue Packy’s legislation program and bring it to full fruition.
2. Litigation
Legal plans of action have been formulated and are ready to be executed at the appropriate time(s).
3. Education
AES informational meetings; letter campaign to Congress; video statements from athletes and coaches; and social services wraparound programs, plus additional support to be announced in the summer of 2020.[/h]
Thank you for donating in honor of Packly!!


Tacky. Using someone’s death to make money is inappropriate.


Why don’t they just let George fade into the sunset with whatever dignity he has left? The more they protest, the more they remind people what he did. How often do you hear people talking about Jerry Sandusky? And who the F wants their death used to raise funds to assist pedophiles? What kind of legacy is that?


I agree wholeheartedly, though he did back them. It’s par for the course with these folks though.


It makes me sad to hear that he backed them, and it’s definitely tacky to use his death to try to raise funds for that.


As a trainer/coach of many youth clients and a boutique lawyer, he was exactly the sort of industry professional who would have a fervent interest in being a part of that group. Beyond that, I can only ponder the matter based on what I learned of him and his activities before his unexpected demise, as I did not know him personally or know anyone who seems to have had anything beyond a passing familiarity with him.

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The cause of his death has not been mentioned anywhere that I have seen. That sometimes is indicative of a certain cause… Do you know the cause of his death?

Sorry, I didn’t quote. My question was meant for you @LexInVA .

The family did not release the COD in the obituaries and I absolutely do not know the legally transcribed cause of his death, per the autopsy performed with an unexpected and sudden death, nor do I have any second/third/fourth-hand information about it. I expect that your question will be answered at some point, though I could not make any guess as to whether it would be sooner or later. When things happen, they happen when they happen.