People Attempting to Undermine Safe Sport

Does Athletes for Equity use the AES acronym? As a breeder, I keep reading that as Anglo European Studbook, very confusing.


On their website, it says they are still applying, but they call themselves a non profit in this latest letter. I believe an organization is not a nonprofit until it has received that tax exempt status. Your donations, however, are not tax exempt.


Considering their target audience has difficulty reading for comprehension, “applying” is good enough for them. I bet people try to claim the donation too.


I’m in the same boat. I always have to remind myself that AES in this case doesn’t stand for American Education Services (where I pay my school loans). Not sure if they use the acronym themselves or not.


When I see PPE I immediately think Pre-purchase exam, not personal protective equipment.:o


And I’ve only recently begun to associate BLM with Black Live Matter and not Bureau of Land Management.


Me too.:yes:


I really took a double take with the BLM auction thread in off course .


Yes, we were originally using “AfE” here but the organization uses “AES” so I figured I’d try to keep it the same to avoid confusion. Didn’t work :wink:

I refuse to go to their website - I went there once and ended up on their email subscription list, despite the fact that I definitely did NOT sign up for their newsletter!

:lol: I had the same reaction to the BLM auction.

So, has AfE/AES rallied around this guy to make sure he got a fair/impartial hearing from SafeSport before being banned?…est/index.html

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No because he’s not their friend. And he’s tied up in the court system. But more to the point, he’s not their friend.


Looks like TS’s suspension was upheld but the length decreased. Ends 11/18/21 now. Subject to Appeal has been removed.


In normal times, it can take around a year to get approval, and you’re allowed to Act As If while it is pending. IME, if there are issues with how it is set up, IRS will work with the org to properly classify it and remind of the rules rather than outright deny.

Since this is an organization set up to do political lobbying, donations to it are not tax-exempt. Nonprofit status mostly adds a lot of constraints on ways you can spend and receive money, in exchange for allowing you to collect capital specifically for your organization’s mission. Also, any entity - probably down to a tiny club - should generally set one up if any significant amount of money is going in, or else the person doing the collecting is liable for all those funds as personal income.


Probably not the type of response they were looking for [ATTACH=JSON]{“data-align”:“none”,“data-size”:“medium”,“data-attachmentid”:10694299}[/ATTACH]



I’m confused, according to a previous poster, it looks like TS’s decision was upheld, but they made the ban only until late 2021?

It was an abuse of power situation - working student apparently - and not Tommy showing his pee-pee to children in the barn stalls, so the punishment ultimately deemed appropriate is a short-term suspension.


Or using their power and position to support their friends who sexually assault our children.

Also Tommy Serio’s initial suspension was just that, a suspension. They just shortened the duration from what was it? Three years to 18 months?


Today’s newsletter:
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[TD=“align: left”]Athletes for Equity in Sport (AES) seeks to strengthen safety and fairness in US Olympic Sports by making the operations, policies and procedures of the U.S. Center for SafeSport fair and equitable for both Complainants and Respondents. Our approach has three components: public education to raise awareness about SafeSport and the importance of athlete safety, engaging policymakers thru lobbying and legislative proposals in Congress who have oversight of Olympic Sports to promote effective policies at SafeSport and advocating for the rights of both complainants and respondents in the legal arena when appropriate.

								Our Three-Prong Strategy Approach

								Public Education: SafeSport was established to work for the participants in Olympic sports, keep athletes safe and promote an environment in which athletes can thrive and achieve their best results. With those same goals at the forefront, AES’s initial strategy focuses on raising awareness of the fundamental flaws in this important organization. AES supports greater transparency, oversight and accountability at SafeSport which we believe will inspire trust and confidence in the SafeSport process benefiting all parties involved. By increasing community engagement and public awareness of SafeSport’s shortcomings, AES aims to shed light on the inequity of SafeSport’s current procedures with the intent of rectifying those concerns to ensure fair treatment for complainants and respondents. [/TD]

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[TD=“align: left”]Legislation and Lobbying: Congress entrusted SafeSport with broad powers to investigate and resolve allegations of abuse in the Olympic Sporting Community. However, to be effective in achieving its mission to protect athletes, SafeSport must maintain the trust and respect of all participants under its jurisdiction. AES aspires to educate policymakers on the existing flaws in the SafeSport system, recommend policy proposals to make improvements, and offer compelling evidence why current practices require changes to SafeSport to protect the safety of athletes and all participates in the Olympic sporting community.

					Legal: The AES legal team closely monitors SafeSport conduct, including without limitation, investigations, interviews, adjudication, published penalties and subsequent arbitrations. This monitoring is undertaken to identify deviations from stated SafeSport practices and procedures, to document inconsistencies and abuses and to deter arbitrary application of the SafeSport process. It is the goal of the AES legal team to take whatever steps are necessary to protect the legal rights of Claimants and Respondents to a fair and equitable process, free from bias, applied in a consistent and even handed manner, to protect athletes of all ages against the conduct SafeSport was tasked by Congress to protect. Members of the AES Inc. legal team routinely represent Claimants and Respondents in SafeSport matters and are acutely aware of trends and actual application of the Safe Sport process for the benefit of vulnerable athletes. Ultimately, the AES legal team may litigate matters for the benefit of all athletes in all sports if the Executive Committee approves proposed legal actions recommended by the AES legal team.

					AES has never wavered in its support for SafeSport’s primary mission of protecting athletes within the Olympic movement from any threats of abuse as well as working to ensure SafeSport is not misused by attempts to undermine fair competition. We recognize that SafeSport was created out of the failure of national governing bodies (NGBs) and the USOPC to properly respond to credible reports of sexual abuse by trainers and officials; their failure to report these crimes to law enforcement; and their willingness to hide the extent of that abuse over decades all must be addressed.  

					As stakeholders in SafeSport’s effort, it is incumbent upon each of us to be engaged in the process and assist in making SafeSport better for everyone. To that end, AES believes it is crucial for SafeSport to develop fair and comprehensive procedures that will ensure that it is successful in carrying out its mandate. We believe that an open and transparent discussion of SafeSport issues will help guide SafeSport toward a process that is just and fair to everyone within its jurisdiction. [/TD]


The AES legal team better not have any access to investigations or interviews outside communications with individuals they have been contracted to represent. They have no authority or oversight of Safesport.