People Attempting to Undermine Safe Sport

Not many, especially with zero truth or evidence. A colleague was accused of sexual harassment: the complaint was that he said impolite things about a student’s genitalia in front of an entire chemistry lecture. The student’s attorney could not find one person in the lecture to corroborate. So zero truth but no spite: the person had previously made similar complaints at another college and was probably not entirely mentally stable. My friend was left with no taint.


Your friend was fortunate. Was anything done to the false accuser? Probably not, so she can proceed on to do it again, right?


Not that I know of. She may have ended up with some legal bills. But my point was that it was not done out of spite; therefore it doesn’t fall under your criteria of something done “for spite with zero truth or evidence.”

Friend’s case was likely helped by the fact that he was openly gay. He was advised to hire a female attorney. The faculty union paid his legal costs.

Now it’s your turn to come up with an example that is consistent with your point.


Man I hope the example is again tommy serio! Oh…wait…


I’m not going to post personal experiences on a public forum; however, a simple Google search of false sexual allegations turned up quite a few instances. I was not able to find any instance where the accuser was held accountable for the false allegations. Here is a link to one real life situation:

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And back to the topic at hand - since SS is confidential it would be impossible to know the number of proven false or unsubstantiated reports they investigate. It would be interesting for them to actually published that information quarterly or annually IMO.


What exactly would you have them publish? The names of those accused? People really don’t like that as it turns out. The names of the accusers so they can be targeted and harassed as happens every single time one of them goes public?

Do you understand why your “idea” is bad? I mean, probably not, but I hope one day you will, and reflect upon why you come here and attack victims on a daily basis


Of course the names shouldn’t be published! How about transparent accountability of the USEF SS department? Perhaps the number of cases reported, closed, pending, unsubstantiated, under investigation, substantiated, pending hearing, etc? Aren’t dues paid to USEF and wouldn’t it be appropriate to know what the department is doing? I know they don’t have a large staff and are bound to be busy. Wouldn’t it be great to know how big the issue is with USEF SS? With all the “undermining of SS” wouldn’t it be great to know the scope of the issue within the equestrian community? I personally would like some transparent accountability of the department to understand what they are dealing with routinely. What would be wrong with publishing that information?


Who have I attacked on a daily basis?


There is no USEF safe sport department in the way that you are suggesting

Safe Sport is it’s own organization.

By virtue of being the ngb for equestrian sport, USEF has been compelled by force of law to acknowledge and accept the rulings of safe sport.


We are as always back again to having conversations with people who still don’t understand this matter on the most basic level.


Re bolded. All the time, @eggbutt.

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It’s happened to me, including signed affidavits with penalty of perjury statements signed, and my dash cam backing up that it was a total fabrication. No repercussion. Same thing has happened to numerous friends of mine with cameras that proved the complaint was 100 percent a lie. NEVER a repercussion.


Thank you for your post. It DOES happen more than we want to believe.

I believe child molesters/predators are the lowest scum of the earth and those who make false allegations of sexual abuse are at the same level!


Safe Sport was legislation which was written in a hurry. I understand the purpose, but it is another poorly written piece of legislation by the government, when they scrambled to try and do the right thing. According to safe sport, I violate it when I do my job as a police officer. I dont blame the USEF. The investigators are very knowledgeable, and experienced. They do need to revisit it. There is too much of it that is flawed.


BOOM. This. This. This. This is what Eggbutt does. And she knows it. But, she will never reflect - or admit to how abominable her behavior is & has been. She’d be letting down her army of 12 Coth enablers. Very sad.

Hypothetically, of course, if anyone were to report her to SS, and/or USEF (or to a magistrate for that matter) for let’s say… victim blaming, harassment, bullying, falsifying information, defamation, abuse of process, etc, - one could hardly call that “false reporting.” I have no idea of her “experience,”- but I’d “speculate,” (a word she uses far too often to slide her blatant lie telling into what she then will refer to as being, “just a discussion,”) any report by an accuser against Eggbutt for those reasons/violations would be 100 thousand % founded.

And, Bc she herself- on her own accord has admitted to having (or having had) a “SafeSport experience,” perhaps her behavior is more well known in the “community” than she would like to tell herself. False claims must never be tolerated. And SS should be able to tell the difference between the laughable & the critical. True claims, backed by all the types of evidence SS might require to investigate & proceed to next stages, must be taken seriously. After all, it was Eggbutt who stated in one of her rants, “when someone shows you who they are, BELIEVE THEM.” Maybe… that’s exactly what happened. Maybe … someone/s showed SS exactly who is she is- and SS believed them. Maybe not. Who knows? But, I can picture it as a possibility.


Is that a serious question?
On a daily basis, when you DO show up here. On a daily basis, when you begin threads to do just that. Which, frankly, is quite often. Though, since you’ve asked, you have attacked me. Then, when you’re met with any other posters’ rebuttals or challenges to your outrageous rudeness and outrageous claims, (such as the “LK shot at her boyfriend in a fit of rage while he was riding his motorcycle,”) which you first state to be “rumor,” - then state as a “reported by many,” “fact,” - you take aim at those posters! Insulting them & attempting to direct others to flat out ignore them! You honestly can’t help yourself, it would seem. And if that weren’t enough, you DARE instruct anyone else at all to “do better?” [edit]

FTR- even the worlds largest invalid could pick apart your “motorcycle shoot out,” claim. Tell me, did I run fast (motorcycle fast) out of my house & start shooting? I’d have to be able to FLY for that one to make any sense. Who are the “many,” which “reported,” this to you?? Why in the world didn’t they “report,” this violent crime to law enforcement?? No answer? It was “reported,” to YOU instead? Likely story.

Now- here’s the REAL one. I bought a motorcycle for RG to “make-over,” at home. It lived in my backyard. Along with new tires for all the vehicles & a few tires we used to use as target practice. One of us accidentally shot the back tire. Admittedly, the bike was poorly placed. Admittedly, we should’ve ended our “best out of 10,” game before it got as dark as it did so quickly. But, everyone always wants their “one last turn,” before checking the targets & calling it. And no, I’ve lost zero sleep about a tire catching a hole - next to a large amount of tires beside it- all of which I paid for myself- like a big girl- making them all MY PROPERTY. I chose not to have myself arrested for vandalism of my personal property- sorry to disappoint. It was probably a bad idea to buy my BF a motorcycle when I hate the danger they represent. But restoring them makes him happy, so whatever. Whichever of us hit it, I’m glad. I’m hoping it was him Bc that would be HILARIOUS. But, other than to poke fun at one another for hitting the wrong tire, neither of us care. We never even checked if the bullet did puncture the tire, yet, we laughed about it & took turns denying being the one who malfunctioned so moronically.

Side note: The only reason you THINK you know anything about anything- though I doubt even YOU’RE that daft, is Bc you were told this insane story by GJ and/or Haleybot who are now besties through the mutual disdain of me- and the shooting bringing them both together. How sweet. [edit]
They can thank me later for their newly found “friendship,” though they wouldn’t know each other from a hole in the wall- had I not been shot. I can’t STAND GJ and neither can her boyfriend’s entire family. Why YOU have any involvement in these private, totally unrelated to horse matters having zero to do with you, in NEW JERSEY, is obsessive, stalkerish and creepy. As far as Haleybot- I’d fire her again & and on a repeat loop if I had the chance. You have no idea what she is- but I hope you learn. I’ve yet to meet a pair who deserved each other more than you & she- except perhaps she & GJ.

Anyhoo- RG provided a retelling of the TIRE incident (not to be/apparently to be confused with the “fit of rage shooting at a moving motorcycle, with a person riding it,” non existent incident- which never took place- at all - in ANY universe) to GJ’s boyfriend, Carmen. He’s Rob’s EX best friend & my very EX boyfriend. In that conversation, in which you were NOT privy Rob DID sarcastically say, “Lauren shot my motorcycle, man!” While Carmen has never been known for intelligence- even HE knew Rob was kidding. As did my parents, sisters & friends when he jokingly told THEM the same thing. See- we just didn’t anticipate being nearly murdered by gun shots 3 years later- and therefore couldn’t foresee bunch of rumor mongering fools ruining for us, what once was a pretty funny inside joke. Now you know. And knowing is … 0% of the battle for you/ Bc you are pathologically removed from any semblance of truth telling.

Correct your unfounded, defamatory lies immediately. You can do it now, gracefully. But we both know I will see to it (legally) your extremely defamatory posts are removed. Especially, your beyond defamatory posts wrt RG and his “shoddy bathroom remodeling.” He never touched a bathroom in any part of the house on West Mill Rd- (or in the barn.) And the work he DID complete was checked & approved by the LLC owner- JL. Attempts to re-victimize us by you & those like you, repeatedly, has been let go for far, far too long. You’ve attacked me. You’ve attacked RG. You’ve attacked my father. You’ve attacked anyone who openly disagrees with you, Bc you are a bully. Textbook, insecure bully. Enough is enough. This should thoroughly answer your question that I’ve quoted above, [edit]


Could we maybe get this topic back to people trying to undermine Safe Sport?


How so?


Yes… I mean no offense to other posters, but please don’t turn this thread into a rehash of arguments and feuds that have played out on the Michael Barisone threads. Because those threads keep on getting shut down.

The ongoing discussion concerning SafeSport, how it is implemented, who is working to undermine and oppose it… well… that’s a really important discussion to many of us.

I totally understand passions running high, and some folks feeling frustrated when others pop out of the woodwork on any thread they participate in, and start rehashing the same arguments and slinging arrows… but please everyone… there are multiple survivors of sexual abuse and assault who participate in this thread. Several were victimized as children. More than one within the sport. Let’s keep the focus on SafeSport issues on this one.

Thank you all.