People Attempting to Undermine Safe Sport

There are quite a few related to grand larceny, possession of burglary tools, and shoplifting in there as well. And one of the traffic violations was 3rd DUI within 5 years, which is a little more concerning than just a speeding ticket. However it does seem like all of the more recent ones are traffic offenses, so maybe she’s managed to turn her life around a bit.


Woah. That’s seriously stalkerish. I’d like to read the dispositions on each of these, before taking your word for anything. I don’t know this person but I do know your tactics. I wouldn’t draw any conclusion at all if you are the only source. Your record of distorting things speaks for itself.

ETA: This post is regarding Sarah W. Not the account of others wrt victims of sexual abuse.

Seriously? I somehow doubt those 3+ full pages of charges are all ambiguous or misunderstandings.


Maybe not. But you’d be surprised by criminal dispositions in court, compared with an arrest record. You may very well be on point. Still, it’s always best to read a disposition very carefully before assessing judgement. The most accurate information is the best information. It’s easy to post a narrative and locate a record which confirms it. An arrest record or even an interpersonal charges record isn’t the full picture.
Again, I have no skin in this & don’t know the woman. I do know the tactics of LexinVa & I’m severely underwhelmed. I understand LexinVa has had her own problems wrt poverty and other things & I understand her desire to locate anything which could take the attention from that. We all have our struggles. I’m only saying it’s always best to have every fact at hand. Here, that includes dispositions. Although, you may also be 100% right.

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I don’t think it’s stalkerish at all to check out a trainer that’s associated with a known creepy pedophile.

Thank you @173north for posting that Facebook message. I wouldn’t have seen it otherwise. That just adds fuel to the dumpster fire of bad trainers.


Most people get through their lives with exactly no criminal charges ever being laid against them. Most people don’t even have traffic violations. The list of charges here would certainly give anyone pause if they were running a background check. But of course there are no background checks for riding instructors, even ones working with children.


Yep. Walk. Talk and Quack Quack Quack three entire pages of criminal records and you are probably a POS.


I have a few, 2 speeding tickets, and a suspended license due to moving when I was 19 and thought my father had taken care of insurance as he had always paid it and apparently stopped. Last ticket was over 20 years ago. 42 in a 35 coasting down a hill… must have been a slow day for the Police that day.

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Can you explain this statement? Lex digs up dirt on other people to take the attention away from her/his own misfortunes?
Granted, I’ve sometimes wondered how anyone has the time or desire to go internet sleuthing on people like Lex obviously does, as she/he regularly produces criminal records/deed transfers/divorce decrees on various individuals. It’s…bizarre.

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She is claiming that I shared info about Sarah to somehow distract from my own supposed problems - she claims I am poor and female, neither of which are true - and complains that I’m being “stalkerish”, when it’s all a matter of public record and there for anyone to look at, if they put in a few minutes of effort. It didn’t even take me five minutes to find those many charges against her.

La-LaPopRider is the same woman (Lauren Kanarek) who has had many complaints made against her for being “stalkerish” and it has been said many times that she has restraining orders against her and that she has harassed and threatened both adults [edit], hence why she is not well-regarded by anyone. As revealed on the Barisone thread that is now locked down, she has sent threatening messages to members of this forum for referencing what she has said and done and what has been disclosed about her colorful personal history. None of those messages had the desired effect and only made her look more crazy, after some were posted for others to read.


One would hope so.

When it comes to people who coach or teach my kids… and those who babysat my kids when they were younger…

I’ve routinely googled names. And done free searches of online databases. And done a quick search in local Facebook groups and other parent groups… just to make sure I didnt miss a big red flag. Typically Google is an easy free place to start, but other quick and easy searches are also free.

If that makes me “stalkerish” - so be it. When you have kids getting coaching in an individual sport, or private individual coaching to help team sport performance… it can be a pretty intense relationship with mentoring aspects. I like to know a little extra about who these people are BEFORE starting my child down that road.

I am pretty confident it took Lex all of 5 minutes to find Sarah’s history. Looking at all the burglary related incidences? Well… anyone with half a brain in today’s day and age MIGHT make a guess that there was a substance abuse issue at some point. Kinda relevant information about a kid’s coach.


Exactly, and why anyone would consider it stalking is beyond me.


I believe someone would deem it “stalkerish” if they, themselves, have similar records that can be (and have been) pulled up with a simple, quick search.

I don’t find it stalkerish (i) for the reasons noted above re: working with children, and (ii) anyone can do both a quickie public record search on me, or are welcome to pay for a full background check on me, and they will find nothing, not even a speeding ticket.

People who don’t think children should be protected by so much as a quick public records check and mock people who take such precautions are, honestly, people of interest to me - people to avoid, for certain.

People who say a quick public records check for a children’s coach is “stalkerish” and feel 3+ pages of charges can easily be explained away by reading 50+ dispositions are doing so because they know a quick check of their own name turns up charges and they are invested in that result not be dispositive of a criminal background.

If a person works with children, that person should be looked up for criminal background and other red flags. Don’t like it? Two choices: don’t work with children or conduct yourself in such a way as to not have 3 pages of arrest records to your name.

Easy, peasy, lemon don’tcommitcrimes.


I dont know my way around the American public records system, so I appreciate very much that there are posters on here that can find arrrest and charge records for people like Sarah Willson and Lauren Kanerek. It absolutely paints a picture when someone has multiple incidents even if they are not ultimately convicted.

I expect that the posters who link to these kinds of sources already know their way around the database systems, maybe professionally. If you know a field you can dig up data really fast.

Someone with the record of Sarah Willson might find it hard to get any job. Let alone one teaching children. Unless she works in an unregulated industry for a boss who doesn’t care.


Looking up PUBLIC RECORDS for a legitimate reason (I.e. to determine if you want someone coaching your child) is not stalkerish. Creeping around someone bushes, doxxing, or showing up at the person’s job is stalkerish. There’s no expectation of privacy in public records or things YOU put out there in public.


I would not say the life is turned around. Impaired driving 3rd offense would probably say there were many more offenses that were not caught. This is statistically true. It speaks to a chronic substance abuse issue. It shows poor judgement and a lack of caring.

Id like to thank participants here who have brought thoughtful, respectful discussion. I no longer participate in equestrian sport, though consider myself a horsewoman, still. I do participate in an Olympic sport and do my SS training as a participant and judge. There are those in my sport who poo-poo SS and criticize its presence. I set them straight on the need in all sports and how glad I am that my former sport is cleaning house as best it can.


Strongly agree. One DUI and I’m done with someone. People who drive under the influence can and do kill other innocent people. It happened to my family. The monumental lack of control and judgement even one DUI would show, let alone 3 or more, is inexcusable.


Notwithstanding the triple DUIs anyone with this much on their record is not welcome anywhere near me.

Substance abusers are not trustworthy unless they’ve been clean for a very long time.


I will only add, unless her boss has his own serious criminal record and lifetime SafeSport ban, and desperately needs a willing assistant trainer to keep the business going, and take trailer loads full of horses and clients to local shows, and sign as trainer for them.

No one reputable and well qualified was willing to take on this particular assistant trainer position working at RCF. Nor was a talented young person, who needed to build up their resume, willing to take on the position.

It is what it is.

In other news, I just saw an advertisement for Wulf Crest Stables (where Sarah also now coaches) offering a fall break 4 day camp for kids… for $400. They mention their “awesome team of professional instructors.” :thinking:

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