People Attempting to Undermine Safe Sport

Fairgrounds is owned by the State of California.

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Abuse is specifically excluded from my liability policy that I am required to have to keep my horse at my current boarding location.

Safe sport specifically states that at no time is any member to interview a victim. They even reiterated that when I asked in an email.

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Surely they mean a victim that is involved in a Safe Sport investigation, since these are Safe Sport rules.
The journalist that wrote about the case wasn’t a USEF member was he?

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that interview issue might need clarification. I know in my training it was stated that if a young person comes forward about an issue, You are not to question them about details but rather report it and and let the investigators talk to them.


So it looks like Wulf Crest Farm has an IEA team and is holding a camp over winter break. Sara Willson is the IEA coach. If you remember up thread, she has a lengthy criminal history.


And LTD shows are still holding their shows at Wulf Crest. Everybody is pretending that Navarro has nothing to do with WF.

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Does IEA not follow SS rules?

@Threeshoesfarm is this true?

From the posts on this forum I understood that they have a strict background check policy, however, it may be only applied to their instructors and not to the people whose venues they use.

People local to the IEAs might give them a heads up to see if they are aware of the issues and that showing at Wulf Crest may be problematic.

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When asked about the location of their upcoming shows, this was the answer three days ago.


So I apologize if this has been discussed already because this thread is so long and I have not been keeping up with it.

There appears to be a pattern with Safe Sport where people file an inquiry against someone, but it gets dropped because witnesses are not willing to testify. I believe the word “cooperate” it used, so victims are “uncooperative” with the SS investigation. It happened with RMD and it happened with Jean Lopez (Taekwondo) for example. Is there something about the SS investigative process or arbitration that is especially difficult for victims and witnesses to go through, or is this a normal rate for SA allegations to be dropped?

Discussing being SA’d is exhausting and very difficult, and I completely understand why people who get to a certain point and decide that pursuing the case isn’t worth it anymore, but I am curious. Since SS is an entity that is devoted to sorting out extremely traumatic events, I’m expecting that the process would be handled with the utmost sensitivity to the victims, and probably with more sensitivity than police may be able to have. Why then are so many complainants being described as uncooperative? To me it suggests a flaw within Safe Sport.


So… what was the user name for LTD shows again? She came on these forums and announced she was cutting ties with Wulf Crest because they didn’t want to be associated with Navarro. Why did she reconsider?

ETA: I see now, @Threeshoesfarm is LTD shows. She was very specific back on November 9th, and publicly posted that:

Soooo… perhaps she wants to comment on the decision to hold the shows at Wulf Crest after all? It seems that people have privately contacted her (per her wishes), and in private, she has informed them that they will go through with the shows at WC after all. Which is at odds with the public statements… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


They abide by SafeSport. We actually discussed this exact issue on this specific thread a few years ago when Tom Navarro was trying to start an IEA program at River Chase after he had been banned by SafeSport…

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Yes but you can purchase the coverage for more $$$

How do the supporters of these people live with themselves every day?


I think you can get liability coverage for negligence and accidental acts, but generally criminal acts could not be insured against.

So if a barn owner ran an operation allowing 3 trainers to train at the facility, one of whom was Bob McDonald, I assume as a trainer no amount of liability coverage would protect BM if he faced a civil suit for sexual abuse. But what about the owner of the facility? Could the owner get insurance that protected them for negligence if they permitted BM to operate out the facility if the crime itself was clearly his alone.


from the IEA web site

IEA holds the safety of its riders in the highest regard. Through the sanctioning of horse shows, IEA aims to provide a playing field that is both level and safe. New requirements related to SafeSport education were recently implemented for IEA Board Members, Staff, and Zone Administrators, in addition to their required background checks. As our next step of compliance, beginning in the 2019-2020 membership season, IEA will need to require all Coaches and Adult Members to prove completion of SafeSport education as a condition of membership. Signed IEA membership application forms must be accompanied by a SafeSport completion certificate for all adult members.

Adults who are already members of United States Equestrian Federation (USEF) can attach their certificate of completion obtained as part of USEF membership. Adults who have not completed SafeSport education can do so through a link on the USEF website. (see directions below.) With parental permission, rider members are able to take SafeSport education, as well. Some coaches are offering a team event for parents and riders to take SafeSport education together. All IEA members have access to a FREE Fan Membership from USEF.


Is this the person you are discussing?

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So , background checks are required.