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Physical Pain and Emotional Distress

I asked my doctor about CBD oil and was told he couldn’t talk to me about it because it wasn’t “pharmaceutical.”
So I asked my pharmacy – which sells it – and the pharmacist wouldn’t talk to me about it either.
This is a business, which sells CBD oil, yet refuses to tell customers anything about it.
And since my doctor won’t even talk to me about it, I can’t get a prescription for it, which would be partly covered by Medicare.
Grrrrrrrrrrr …

Ugh. I went to an official dispensary www.cbdhemphealth.com

here in Columbus (some 3 yrs ago) and they asked what my problems were (anxiety, stress, not sleeping due to barn build planning) and then suggested I try a few different brands. I asked what to expect - they gave me a full dropperful right then and there. They said it’s different for everyone but most likely in 15 to 30 min I might feel it and I remember driving on the freeway and starting to feel more relaxed. That is it. More relaxed.

Since then I take it every night an hour before bed and MOSTLY sleep like a rock. Every now and then I don’t sleep well but it’s rare. And I’m post menopausal and turning 60 so hitting that time folks start having problems sleeping.

THEN this year at Equine Affaire Dr. Harman was there and gave a talk on CBD and all it’s benefits AND how important it is to only buy ORGANIC because the hemp plant really pulls whatever is in the soil. So after some research I switched to R&R organic and still sleeping like a rock.

If that helps. Its also anti inflammatory and other health benefits. So win win all the way around.


Thank you for posting about CBD oil and your experience with it.

I especially like the anti-inflammatory feature. I’ve just been researching SNRIs vs SSRIs: SNRIs can help with pain as well as anxiety, panic, and depression.

Maybe if and when I move to a more enlightened, more 21st-century area, I can talk with a more modern-thinking doctor.

And if you are on certain meds it’s not advised to take CBD.

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Thank you for that. :slight_smile:
I remember that a different form of hemp gave me horrible panic attacks the few times I tried it, ages and ages ago.
Another reason I’ve been leery of trying CBD oil.

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Update on me and the Copper Compression products.

It turns out that I am allergic to something in them. My contact dermatitis sort of looks like what I got from neoprene. The itchiness I get from just handling them also reminds me of the neoprene. If you are not allergic to neoprene they should be fine for you.

This leaves me very disappointed because in the short time I wore them before my skin started reacting MY PAIN WENT AWAY, shoulder joint, wrist joint and ankle joints. These therapeutic pieces are very well constructed and designed to effectively cover the hurting places. I highly recommend them if you are not allergic to something in them.

I just put all the Copper Compression stuff I bought in a bag to take to the stable on Friday. I’ll just tell Debbie to take whatever she needs personally or anything she thinks can help one of her students.

Sniff, I had high hopes for them with my aching body.

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So sorry, @Jackie_Cochran. It sucks so much to find something that works and then be unable to use it.




I am so sorry to learn of this, @Jackie_Cochran. Such a disappointment for you.

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Thank you all for your sympathy.

My main comfort is that I have had no problems with the BOT and Fenwick stuff, and when I layer the BOT and Fenwick stuff they work SO MUCH BETTER with the pain than either of them alone. Of course I have to get creative, for my shoulder right now I have my BOT neck dicky stretched over the top of my shoulder joint with a Fenwick knee high sock draped down my upper arm. This does not stay in place as well as the Copper Compression shoulder gear, but it works pretty well as long as I check it regularly.

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I’m so sorry Jackie. I’ve only had a taste of pain and it’s such a buzzkill. Cannot imagine what you and others experience and your strength to carry on.