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PLEASE READ, SCAMMER she has left our area (So Ga) and on the run

I keep. Going back to this thread. About ten years ago I met a lady with a similar story. She was visiting a loved one in the hospital where I work. She visited every day and every day she would add another piece to her seemingly incredible story. She too said she was a vet but also had limited medical knowledge. She said that she had Andalusian dressage horses and an Andalusian stallion that she kept in New York. The stories kept going and going with little basis in reality and she became difficult to manage as a visitor. Finally a colleague did an Internet search for her and found her picture on a ‘most wanted’ list. He called the sheriff and she was arrested right there at the hospital for auto theft. She was wrapped up with an animal shelter at the time and apparently scammed someone out of money and a car. The pictures of her look familiar.


Don’t mess with Windy Willow! Good for you for whistleblowing this lady.

Maybe pass it onto Rate My Horse Pro?

can you please email the address on the flyer with this? we need all info going to the same place Thanks Jealoushe:) LOL

P.S Not I but other person Just had a 1 1/2 conference call with Rate My Horse Pro yesterday!

Melissa struck again
 unfortunately she used the name Mel Smith and I didn’t find her real name until I got her out of my farm
 She is in NC. She just left Camp Lejeune/Jacksonville NC area around 8/14/2018. We have several military bases around here so I don’t think she will go far. I have sent an email to the one on the poster and still haven’t gotten a response back. We found some mail she tried to burn
 if you are still looking for her
 she’s not far from here. She skipped out on owing me $3100 court mandated


If anyone has pending court cases regarding Melissa A. Thurston/Warneke/Smith/Briski/Brown, please contact me ASAP. Margaret.k.smith1@gmail.com


Omg just seeing this ! She is someone that is still scamming people!! So many names!

Really hope she gets caught!

Update we have located her and she’s still at it!!2022!

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Hopefully I am far enough away. The kink dies not work for me.

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