Point Two vs. Hit Air?

[QUOTE=Toadie’s mom;5107472]
Kirelli mentioned in her post above that the Kan people are only making women’s vest right now due to finances:confused:. I find that a little odd, since there seem to be quite a number of male event riders across the pond. So I’m thinking you should buy me one and you’ll be one vest closer to getting one made for you:winkgrin:[/QUOTE]
Well, what will you do for me if I buy you one??:wink:

Exos are still being manufactured as far as I know, but they have been appallingly badly promoted, ridiculous for such a great and life-saving product.
The patent was given to the R.D.A. (Riding For The Disabled Association) so that they will now profit from any sales, but WoofWear, who manufactures them, is dreadful about any kind of promotion. It took me a lot of effort to track a couple down to try (and I’m in the U.K., where they are manufactured and supposedly widely distributed!) WoofWear couldn’t have been much less helpful!

I agree that the Kans need to be available in men’s sizing and shape as soon as possible, and have said so to Wendy, the owner of the company and designer of the vests.

So if the Exo vest that I’m waiting to try doesn’t work out, how would I go about getting sized and fitted for a Kan vest? Although I’d love to travel to England to do so, it would probably not work in the vest budget. :slight_smile:

What kind of beer do you like :lol:

[QUOTE=Toadie’s mom;5107635]
What kind of beer do you like :lol:[/QUOTE]
NOW we’re talking! And to you Madame, a cyber beverage of your choice! :slight_smile:

DW, take a look at the website posted previously. It asks for a couple basic measurements, but also says if you’re not sure about sizing, they can send you a couple to try. Not cheap from UK, but better than going there yourself! I also get the feeling that if you were to get in contact with her, more detailed measurements could be taken to get you as close as possible to perfect fit.

I’m interested in this vest, too, so if you pursue this, please keep us in the loop. I confess I didn’t even check on pricing on the site, was too interested in watching the video and learning about the material. Wonder how hot it is…if pretty hot that would be a non-starter for my climate. :cool:

the pricing in the UK is £225 per vest, £195 if you buy it in person from a big event (Badminton, Burghley, etc… great excuse for a trip.)
Wendy’s very helpful so if you got in touch she would advise precisely on the sizing.
As for how hot it would be - umm. I wore mine last summer while backing youngsters, for about 1/2 hour to an hour at a time, but our idea of hot here on the East Coast of England probably wouldn’t be the same as yours. I wore it at about 80 degrees, including in an indoor school in summer which was really hot inside, and felt fine.
The Kan does feel slightly heavier than a regular foam bp, when you pick it up, but when you put it on you don’t notice the weight at all. I figure that little bit of extra weight is really worth it for the extra protection it gives.

DW, I too would love to know about the Kan vest. It sounds better than a couple of alternatives and since my Tipperary is now 16 years old, this might last me for the rest of my eventing life…

We use the Hit Air, not only because it’s cheaper, but it inflates outward.

One thing to remember…you can order the Point Two from England…much cheaper…as in hundreds of dollars compared to US prices.

And speaking of ordering from UK. I just looked at the kanteq website again and shipping to the US is only 7.50GBP. That’s approx. $12. If you’re worried about the correct fit, at that price it would be worth it to order a couple and send one back.

Just wanted to bump this up to remind everyone, in case you didn’t already know, that the Exo has been discontinued by WoofWear as of several weeks ago and the remaining retail stock is all there is. So if you can get one that fits, this is your last chance.

Bumping for informative purposes since it was made early in the morning and is down on the bottom now.

I was in the market for an air vest a couple of months ago and couldn’t decide either. I was at an event in November & the Point Two people were there & a dealer for Revitavet was also there. You can get the Hit Air from Revitavet so I went and talked to both dealers. They both let me try the vests on and blow them up. I went with Point Two.
The Hit Air is open in places where the Point Two isn’t and I felt somewhat vulnerable in the Hit Air. The HA also snaps shut at the top & bottom and, even though this isn’t too big of a deal, it would stink to have to snap every button closed after a fall or accidental dismount. Yes, the PT looks kinda like a dress and makes me look somewhat pregnant when in a half seat, but I liked the fit a lot better than the HA. My advice is to find a dealer and try both vests on and have them both blown up.