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Pony Finals 2018- Pony Jumpers

Maybe reach out to Diane Carney? She is Z5 Jumper something or another. She may be a good resource

Within the Pony jumper 2018 qualifications page, it says there is a $10 application to apply to be accepted for PF.

That might not be online yet, since the 2018 competition year has not started.

Here is the link for all the videos from this year’s classes:


I second this…and third through tenth it. IIWY I’d try to bring her in as a guest instructor or to arrange a private clinic type thing. She has donated much time to PF giving lectures and clinics and would be a tremendous asset to your Jumper riders, not just the Ponies either.

Make a terrific mentor for OP as well.


Seriously though she is a great resource and would probably have the answer to all your forms and paperwork type questions while being able to prepare the kid and pony for the types of courses they will see on course next August. She’s very active on Facebook, that may be an easy way to reach her!

Do any of you know, does the pony have to have a USEF recording membership? He’s USHJA registered, and has a USEF ID, however does he need this annual recording membership for $95?

Yes. In order for points to count, he has to be recorded.

And I’m assuming he already has a pony measurement card.

Pony will need to be current to show at the upcoming Ledges show if it’s rated. Where has it been showing in the Ch/Ad Jumpers? It is a Large isn’t it?

He still has to be measured.

Child’s mom is working on membership info now. He has not been doing the Ch/Ad’s. She was doing the 3’0" and is moving up this year. He is a large.

Please take this question in the intended (helpful) spirit. Are you sure he will measure?

Many of them get bigger if they are nervous or peppy in an unfamiliar setting, like a show. It’s well worth the trouble to practice with the measuring stick extensively beforehand. And don’t hesitate to pull the shoes and trim the feet within reason if there’s any doubt whatsoever. It’s much, much better to be sure ahead of time instead of surprised on the day.

He should measure. It might be close, but he should. He’s also already barefoot.

My daughter went to PF in 2013. The fact they changed the rules back to allow you to compete in the High CH/AD is good news for you. It is always better to be actually competing against other people to know where you stand. I think some of the kids that don’t see much competition were really unprepared. We are in Zone 2, which is more competitve than most, and the kids had a Facebook group so they could communicate and be sure that the division would fill. That was really helpful. We always tried to go when there were more ponies instead of just the minimum. It’s easy to think you are unbeatable when there are only 3 in the division. :wink:

They did set to height when we went to PF. The first day will be lower but the last day the fences were definitely 1.10 m and they are technical courses. I think that caught a lot of riders by surprise. I heard the following year was carnage and the fences were a bit lower after that. Also, the clock doesn’t matter, unless you go over. So a steady conservative ride leaving all the jumps up is better than riding like a speed round. Be sure to practice a liverpool so both kid and pony don’t get freaked out.

Dug up some videos:




You can see that the fences went up by the last day.

We only went once as DD aged out but it was a great experience. We made a lot of friends while showing in the pony jumpers. It could be a great division. It is a shame that all the turn and burn people give it a bad name. I know my daughter learned a lot about how to ride a thoughtful jumper course while campaigning her pony.