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I live across from a paintball place. Like 500ft from my fields n barn. My pony got over it after the first week. Honestly if you are trying to acclimate new trainees, what if you play a recording of dogs barking loudly during feeding time? Or while you are grooming or whenever you want to during a ride? That way YOU know the barking is coming, you can be prepared to sooth and reassure and if its during feeding time they associate the barking with happy munchy time. Granted its not a perfect solution but it can start the bark rollingā€¦hehe sorry had toā€¦ in your court and for the most part on your terms. I do not think there is a simple solution, but trying to desensitize on your terms on a regular basis may help speed up the process. Good luck!


The mares want to protect their foals, that is probably why they are so reactive. You did mention that the radio didnā€™t help, but did you try classical music?

Iā€™m late to the discussion, but since your trainees and short stays may not be there long enough to acclimate, I think the anti-barking device is worth trying. Here is one I found after a quick search: https://ultimatebarkcontrol.com/products/dog-silencer-max?currency=USD&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=Google%20Shopping&gclid=Cj0KCQjwk5ibBhDqARIsACzmgLSIhhA_GMaLVhfwrtyjxNquneixySx2yO-y4LLRybay1C7SO9PnuJIaApCrEALw_wcB

Just be aware that this type of device punishes not only the dogs barking but any not barking within rangeā€¦ Including your own dogs.


There has to be more too it than just the barking- lots of horses get used to noise. I live next to someone who thinks their yard is a firing range open 24/7- my horses donā€™t even lift their heads hearing gun shots now. Trees are a good at absorbing sound, maybe plant a privacy screen between you and them. Please donā€™t ā€œpunishā€ the dogs for barking- how are they at fault?

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