Proper base for riding arena?

Hi! Can any of you with experience building outdoor arenas advise me on the importance of laying a geotextile fabric between my sub base and base, and/or between the base and footing? My husband is getting ready to start ours, and suggested this fabric layer, but it is already quite pricey with the base and footing alone, so just wanted some input from those with experience if I will regret skipping the fabric layer??? We live in Ohio, so 4 season weather here. Thanks!

I think we covered that above :slight_smile: It depends on what’s below the fabric. If the soil is softer and can’t be compacted had enough, then fabric will keep everything above it from being eaten by that softer soil

My sub-base is red clay, which was compacted to be like concrete - water runs off it. The base started as 6-8" or so of screened sandrock, which was also compacted with a vibrating tamper, to the point a truck didn’t leave marks, but is still just porous enough for water to run into, so it can get to the clay to run off… Then the riding footing is on top of that. Nothing has disappeared :slight_smile:

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We bulldosed the pasture grass off, mounded the clay soil to drain, put down AG lime, the one called chips and dust. Compacted it, let it sit for a short season rain. Then added sand and I actually got 2 free dump loads of rubber chips from the local playground cleanups when they changed over to solid rubber for handicapped access. This outside arena is still in good use after 26+ yrs. Always drains. Had to occasionally add a load of new sand and box blade it out.

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