BTW everyone: we HAVE CANTER. [/QUOTE]
Woo Hoo! Ours has been cantering for a while, gradually working up in duration. At the moment, he’s getting 50-60 minute works daily, 7-8 minute walk to start out, then 6-8 minute trot, then I just go to normal work, with trot-walk-trot transition, and then trot-canter-trot transitions over the next 35-40 minutes, then finish with a nice walk. He’s been great, other than as we get his weight back up (he was practically a skeleton!) and his work back up, all he wants to do is BUCK! The canter was getting dicier and dicier to get let alone maintain so we went back to “better living through chemistry” and have him on a very low dose of ace to ride.
He gets an ultrasound check today (as we speak, probably!) and if it’s okay, then we’re cleared for TURNOUT! Poor thing, just can barely contain himself any more. He’ll be very dopey for turnout, for sure, but just having liberty will make suck a difference to him, I’m sure. Fingers crossed that ultrasound comes out fine…
Meanwhile, my horse (who is the only one of our three to not have surgery this year) is on week 7 of an eye injury that started out simple, turned into a stromal abscess, three weeks at New Bolton on meds, then SURGERY (yep, perfect 3 for 3 now!) when the meds stopped working, and now three weeks at a layup. He gets a recheck on Friday, and may get to come home Saturday! I’m running out of fingers to cross.
So much for a spring season.
Glad to hear others are progressing as well, good luck to the newcomers, and no, the worry never goes away.