Proximal Suspensory Surgery Advice - Updates at end

Hey Samantha37 and good to hear from you Dbamford!

Thank you for the updates and encouragement! I am so happy to hear that your horses are doing well! I hear what you are saying and embracing the tincture of time with this injury. Hope to have more encouraging news via ultrasound in 30 days. Thanks again for your support guys!

I just wanted to post a brag here because I know you guys understand how hard it is to come back from these injuries.

I did a local jumper show a couple of weeks ago and then again yesterday. Echo was PERFECT which has given me a lot of confidence for Difficult Run. No misbehavior whatsoever and Iā€™m really glad that the training that Dusty from WestWind Farms has seemed to correct the rearing that he suddenly started doing.

Here are some photos because I have to share :slight_smile:

Here are some photos of me in the 2ā€™6-2ā€™9 class:

Here is my coach taking him in the 3ā€™-3ā€™3 class:

And some candids:

Kiwi-that is frustrating. Perhaps the tendon is telling you that it needs to just walk for awhile. That worked for me a year ago. We walked until a trot was offered while turned out and it was good, but the we continued to turn out in a small paddock. We did not go back to stall rest.

Whatever you do, do not beat yourself up. We donā€™t have them under second by second control, and they do things when our backs are turned, and we donā€™t realize a problem has been created until it screams at us.

Samantha- Good luck at Difficult Run-hereā€™a hoping it isnā€™t difficult! :wink:

Thanks Vicarious

After talking to vet a little more, we have stopped rehab and put him on pasture rest with Surpass and cold hosing for 30 days. We will reassess next month but my thoughts are if the ultrasound looks good and the vet is in agreement, to just turn him out in a flat pasture till Spring and then start rehab then. The winters here are not the greatest in Pennsylvania, and I donā€™t have access to an indoor. Sucks but realize the tinture of time is my friend at this point.

Great news Samantha! I am very excited to see you out and about!

Ouch! Sorry!

I was hoping that simply returning to the walk would do it.

I do wish Moosie would check in!

hi Vicarious thans for the mention:) - I just did!!!
coming up for 3 months now since the re-injury (and new injury:cry:) were discovered. Big specialist advised yard/small area confinement with the dreaded progressively increasing hand walking - well (as I already knew) the hand walking was never going to work. Mare tense and eplosive and me a nervous wreck. I stuck with it for a while and in the meantime we AIed her and she took but lost the foal between 17 and 34 days:cry: The new injuries did show good improvement on last weeks scan but the inside branch still has lots of disorganised fibres. Have abandoned the in-hand disaster and am walk riding for 15 mins a day plus hand grazing and small turnout yard (field corral didnt work either - yee haa episode:o)She is sound but I have decided NOT to turn out now as suggested as I know for CERTAIN sure that she will gallop and spin and cant see thats its a good idea cos Im convinced the leg isnt ready for that - not prepared to take that risk when I dont have to.
So she is going to stay with a friend for a few weeks in last ditch effort for a successfull pregnancy. She wont be turned out or walked but will be in a very big pen in a large shed within sight and smell of the stallion of choice (I ride him endurance:cool:) Its very late in the season I know but I think its worth a shot.
When she comes home in 6 weeks or so I will re-scan, re-assess and decide what to do next.
ok so she wont be getting the ā€œcontrolled exerciseā€ but Im so hoping the big pen will have the same effect as a small paddock without the incentive for wheelies and madness and hoping that she comes into season there and lets him do the deed.
Foal would be nice:cool:but Im not holding my breath:confused:
vet on holiday atm but I need to speak to her to analise the last lot of scans (compared to previous ones) - thats the next step there.
Its planned she goes to stay with ā€œhimā€:winkgrin:on Wed.
I so hope she likes him:cool:
Im doing a 50 mile ride on him on Sun so we can have a discussion along the route!!!

Sounds like a plan!

The walking u/s seems more controllable than handwalking. I found it useful to go to twice a day. this means you are either tacking or untacking all day long.

Itā€™s a shame the turn out wonā€™t work. I think the frequent low level leg use is beneficial, but the Yee Haw moments can be very destructive.

Have a good talk with the young man on Sun. You can still walk u/s for months if he does he job well.

Carry on! And keep us posted!

Glad to hear you have a plan Moosie and Iā€™m sorry the first breeding didnā€™t take. Iā€™m excited to hear if the 2nd takes- good luck!

Moosie, good luck on all counts: a healed horse and a beautiful foal next year.

Feronia wasā€¦ tricky, too. I donā€™t know how the UK feels about using tranquilizers, but Feronia spent months on Acepromazine. She was in a tiny roundpen, the size of two stalls, starting at 6 weeks and had a few yee-haw moments in there, but didnā€™t reinjure herself. Had to be sure that she was always the first horse to get the mid-day flake of hay, or sheā€™d have a tantrum.

I think I can say sheā€™s as healed as sheā€™s going to be, which is to say ā€œgood enough.ā€ We are 2 1/2 years out now from her diagnosis. She still has some wobbly hindend moments and I use Bute judiciously (e.g. before our jumping lessons, even though the jumps are tiny, night before a show, etc.) I found a long-lost bottle of Vetrolin gel last night and used it on her hind legs and hocks, and she seemed to appreciate it.

I really wish she could jump more as sheā€™s very good at it and definitely prefers it to dressage. But doing little crossrails and ā€œcoursesā€ of canter poles is teaching me a lot about adjusting the very keen horse!

I havent read all the posts but this operation is so common in the UK. A number of top level event horses have had this op. Some of these horses have been on our Olympic/European teams. When eventers are buying a horse, if its had this operation they see it as a bonus because they reckon that theyā€™ll have to have it done eventually anyway.

RTB- thanks for letting us know that, I sure didnā€™t. That makes me feel better about my horseā€™s long term soundness.

mmmm - thing is Im prob posting a bit ā€œoff topicā€ here which may be confusing:eek:as the Orange Princess:cool:injured her front suspensory so not a proximal jobby!!! Quietanne - we do use ACP too. Didnt use it this time when I was trying to hand walk as she was in foal at the time and tbh she can override it anyway. I do give her some now if it looks as if its a ā€œsillyā€ day in the turnout area (big enough for a few wheelies if shes in that kind of mood). The u/s walking really is the safest thing for her - even if shes tense and ā€œsurgingā€ I can usually defuse things and dont go any further than up and down my drive a few times until vet thinks its ok to do more. Its so difficult as each vet and each ā€œspecialistā€ has a different take on things and gives different guidelines and ā€œsheā€ doesnt think theres anything wrong as the leg doesnt hurt her and she is perfectly sound. Consensus of opinion is that I had carried on with the w/t/c u/s she would have broken down completely:cry. When she comes back Im considering a month of ā€œproperā€ u/s walking before attempting the small paddock - what exactly DO they mean by ā€œsmall paddockā€ anyway - its all so subjective!!! This wont be for at least another 6 weeks or so anyway by which time surely healing will have advanced further. I can dream of a foal from her too - would be soooo nice and would certainly give her the necessary time. This is a horse who NEEDS a job and LOVES to work - trying to persuade her that her job is to give birth and nuture a baby will require some thought!!!
Well Ive got 50 miles to have a decent chat with him on Sun - dont think ā€œheā€ is going to be the problem here though! Love potion no. 9 is needed methinks:Dā€¦she needs to decide that he is a worthy recipient of her favours.
Sorry - rambling on in a ridiculous fashion - shes going in the morning and Im having doubts and feeling bad about sending her away from home although I KNOW it makes sense and I totally trust the person who owns the stallion.

Moosieā€”Hang in there!

You know your horse, and know what should work. So when one adviser says, ā€œGo trotā€ and your common sense says ā€œNoā€. Listen to your common sense. For your mare u/s seems to make more sense. And walking where you feel she wonā€™t blow up, makes sense.

However-like human babies, after the foal is foaled, the headaches really begin!!! :yes: :yes:

Iā€™d thought I would update my horses progress since it has been a year since surgery. Unfortunately I think my guy is going to be the 20 percent who donā€™t get better with rest and the surgery. I would have to say he is worse now than before the surgery. He was getting better until the 9-10th month mark when I introduced canter and he has not been right since. Recent ultrasound shows healing of the hind suspensory but lots of scar tissue. We then blocked him to the suspensory again and he went amazingly sound. Vet suggested that I retire him to something easy like trail riding. Yeah, so Iā€™m not sure if I would recommend the surgery now. Before I was managing it with rest, shoeing and anti-inflammatories which is a PIA but at least he was in work. In a last ditch effort, I pulled all his shoes and turned him out 24/7 in a field till spring. Sad because he is a lovely horse that is only 13 years of age. Oh well, someone has to be in the 20 percent:(

Kiwi-If I remember correctly, your horse fell apart again in July.
thatā€™s 31/2 months ago. I would try giving it the 6 months.

Iā€™m glad you came back to post.

Hey Vicarious

Good to hear from you. Yes, late July, early August. I threw him out in a pasture for the last 2-3 months and he is not much better. Vet was discouraged at the amount of lameness just doing nothing during that time. Iā€™m hoping its too early for the R word. Iā€™m going to give him another 6 months.

Interesting side note, I gave him bute (about 1 gram) when I pulled his shoes to ease the discomfort. Not only is he not foot sore, but looking really good behind. What are the threadā€™s thoughts on keeping him in light work with help from anti-inflammatories? What about steroid injections to the suspensory if there is no damage to the suspensory other than chronic scar tissue? Of course, will ask vet in the spring about the above suggestions but this horse loves to work and even something light would be good for him and me :slight_smile:

Define ā€œlight workā€!!! If you mean just walking out, under saddle -go for it!

Still holding my breath from a disaster like yours last Aprilā€¦ Now after months of walking, in time increments, first on level ground, then gradually adding a small hill, etc., then a steeper one etc. may be close to trotting time.

Going way slower than first time around.

Update:November 2ā€“And then again we may not be close to trotting. :sigh:

Oh no! Is everything ok Vicarious? My guy is okay. I moved him back home to a flat five acre pasture. I think he is improving but Iā€™m not sure since he is a bit foot sore from having no shoes. Iā€™m hoping for improvement in the spring but realize that this is what I have. Hope everyone else is having better luck!

Considering that there were two three or four ridiculous explosive performances last week, the juryā€™s opinion (mine) is still out. Another week will tell, maybe. It is quite likely that a there is a long complete turn out in the future.

I hope yours will make progress. Arenā€™t horses relaxing fun!!!

updates anyone??? the thread is disappearing into the ether:eek: