Quietanne, I think going the dressage route could be very productive for your mare. Done with strong attention to the “classical” progression, it can be strengthening and straightening. Which can be helpful with soundness issues.
Your area should have a number of dressage instructors. Although I know you are happy with those you have. Are you a NEDA member? I think a full day, or even as we do overnight, turnout is wonderful in situations such as yours. So you may be scrambling for a new instructor, vet, and probably farrier. I don’t envy you that.
Dbamford, :sigh: I wish I were where you are. I am losing the availability of my DR for the next month or so, and will be scrambling to keep a forward rehab progression. Substitute DR’s are not always easily found.
But congratulations to you and Venture. Carry on!!
Napoles, welcome to the breath-holder club. Electricity is not your friend. If you have read the posts here from the beginning, you will realize that most of us are into " better living and safer recovery through chemistry". I too, am subject to high voltage “electric storms”. Outbursts are unpredictable and frequently dramatic, and to be avoided at all costs. The last one set me back probably 4-6 weeks. Next US will tell a lot. Wish I had one in my back pocket,
I’d wear it out.
For you though, it is the endless trudge of the hand walk. Enjoy your togetherness time.:D: