Question for Canter

of going to the television stations is good ( the only problem is that TV likes visuals)
What if you just posted this guy’s name, here and now? one of us might know him or of him and at the very least it might prevent someone else from getting taken in. or is that illegal?

I am gone for a week and look at what I miss!!! How depressing!! My computer just decided that it would not log onto the internet until tonight. GRRR! I was thinking about you all A LOT!

BTW, Congrats Tin!!! She’s ADORABLE!!!

Willow - when is Edwyn’s birthday? Leeloo’s is March 31, interesting that they are they same size … I keep thinking she’s small, everyone else keeps telling me she’s big, but I figure that she only looks big in comparision to her little brother

Hanoverian stallion “Landkonig” I think…I’ll see if I can find the site on him later.

Not an alter dahling, Bella is my character in Moesha’s upcoming BB feature film project. I’m getting into character sotto sotto. I will rival Sophia Loren as the spaghetti seductress.
Hello Oscar?

Palisades - get on it!!! Great idea…

You hurt me. I am neither slumming nor trying to brown-nose. (Note to Rick: That elizabeth really has a hold on the English language. She correctly used “neither. . . nor.”)

You Canadian folk are loaded for bear. (I suppose that phrase is more apropos than I originally intended it would be.)

Thanks for the suggestions, guys! Keep 'em coming…

As for the riddles, I will confess that they are from The Hobbit (using it as part of an independant study right now). Teeth was right, as was time, but you missed the second one. Any other takers? Or can I claim the title of (plagarizing) riddle queen?

What is everyone’s first show this year? I believe mine will be at Hendervale on April 7th, if we manage to get our act together by then. Oh, and Fred, the Henderhell thing was started over on EMG, we’ve had some good conversations on that topic.

Bumpkin, in my dreams baby. I’ve been trying to save for 5 years to make it to Spruce to watch something (could be some kid walking across the ring for all I care) but it just hasn’t happened. Maybe next year

If Morals = Laurels. We need to get you out of the house missy!!!
Heidi this sounds like a job for “Super Scoopers” owned quite seriously by one Jamie Beagle. Let them do the dirty work - you are not cut out to be a poo-poo princess.

Chinook!! chinook chinook chinook!!! Wahoo! All this week. Snoweater came Wednesday; in the morning on the way to the barn there was less than a foot of snow in my front yard- then by the time I got home from the barn, around 7 pm, there was NO snow in my front yard!!
That day was so warm and so full of itself, that Mudder and I went for a decent long hack through the deer paths. Pretty cool… even the deer had been quiet, not leaving tracks… but they had been out the day before and reminded us of the trail.

HaHa ClipClop…I used to bite until i was like 12. If i didn’t get what i wanted–CHOMP Once when i was in grade 5, my teacher was reading a story and the whole class was sitting on the carpet. This girl wouldn’t talk to me and kept crawling away from me, so I continued to follow her. Finally, I got so mad I pinched her. She threatened to tell the principle if I didn’t tell my mom, so I just told her I told my mom and I never got in trouble. Not sure if my mom knows still…
Then theres the time in grade 4 when a boy came up behind me and gave me some flowers and I turned around and kicked him. Holy cow, I was such an evil child! My poor parents.

gefiltefish > noppers on that last guess

Thanks Sabra!! Especially for putting up with me (that goes for everyone too) I know I’m not the patient type and probably drove y’all right up the wall!

Auntie Sabra is welcome anytime, just let me know when your coming and I’ll smuggle you and beast child across the border

Ok and here’s my theory why some people don’t have a sense of humour:
-The Sense of Humour fairy forgot to whack them on the head when they were born, so I think it should be our job to bonk all the non-sense of humour people on the head to see if we can restore it What do you think? I have a homemade wand at home just waiting so that when I get my funding, watch out non-sense of hunourers!
-And I don’t think they use enough perhaps we should make it maditory that each post have no less than two smilies

I want snow!!
At the Lindy ? seminar/clinic this weekend it certainly felt like snow was going to happen.
Thank goodness for wool coolers to wrap up in.

OHHHHHHHHHH! Thats what BC stands for. I should have known. OK here shines my true blonde side guys, I thought BC was breast cancer! Not a laughing matter but I definitely am!!!

Be afraid, be very afraid. Tin, I got that exact joke emailed to me this morning by a friend whose initials are RH. You don’t know this smutty individual do you?

First Elton/Eminem, onto Steely Dan, the coincidences are eerie! You’re not one of my BB alters are you?

or just another day. Heidi thanks for the wishes! Well, big day dawned, emails, phone calls, discordant renditions of happy birthday, florists trucks in the driveway… so far so good - however, Mr Fred had BAD NEWS about his Volvo - cracked head - very cranky - drove to Toronto - bought new Volvo (I didn’t bother to ask whether I would be getting honkin’ big diamond earrings this year now
so, while I waited for him to come back, I varethaned a new stall …fun,? wow!!
we did go out to our favourite Vietnamese restaurant for dinner - followed by about a pound of Walkers Chocolates…
Heidi “AFR” lives at Peter Stoeckls in Oakville - (Breakaway and Heritage are in the same barn) you are welcome to come see him anytime - I would love to meet you and show him off!
and Tin: you want leggy TB types? how about leggy TB?Holsteiner types? I’ve got 'em both!

ClipClop> I am sleeping, I type in my sleep ya know Well I was going to head off and watch the “mare cam” but my sister has decided to take on that duty for the night. So now I’m catching up on my e-mails and keeping an eye on this board

SLAVES to do your tack???LOL

Not meant as a critique mind you, but if you want to top the Merry thread, you need to find an on-going (preferrably unanswerable question ie. where is Kim McDonald and is she still riding) Since you all are spread out over a country not a state (which the CA-clickers tend to overlook) its doubtful that you could rabbit on the way they do, but perhaps you could find something on which everyone can contribute?

The style however is very good indeed. The riddles were fun. How about an ongoing series of CALIFORNIAN jokes, you know: How many Californians does it take to…

Enjoying this thread very much and endeavoring to help turn it into a coat. PS I’m giving you back the star that PamM took from your rating. Isn’t that just like a lawyer?

<Kryswyn hold up turquoise thong to self and laughs hysterically. Orange toque she thinks will not work either as it keeps ejecting itself from her admittedly large round head>