Question for Merry

No, no AAJumper. Deep within you all is a NEW thread, waiting to come out. By holding on to this thread, to the past, you are just keeping the door closed on what else is out there.

I know it is hard, and it is sad, but there comes a time in every thread’s life when it needs to be. . . let go . . . so that the next thread can come to fruition.

AAJumper, the thread would want it this way.

Come here and let me hug you. . . . <<muttering “there there”>>

I have an old HORSES magazine that has 13
pages of ads for the various Bushkin sisters!! Pretty amazing…

Wonder if any of them still ride?? Ditto with Erica Petal??

[This message was edited by dublin on Jan. 25, 2001 at 04:39 PM.]

Circle J!!! I took my very first riding lesson there as a 5 y.o. I worked my way up to riding the infamous (at least I thought so) Rocket. Still have pictures of me wearing my western boots with (gag) gauchos. Yes my Mom thought I looked so cute!!

Santa Ana Tack and Feed, Rasmussens, and Steinbergs. Been to them all. I do remember that Santa Ana Tack didn’t have A/C for the longest time. Is the old guy still at Rasmussens? The one that did all the tack repairs?? He was so nice to me as a kid.

As for Indio being the prequel to A to Z. There was a time when Indio was nonexistant!! In those days, my dream was to be able to go to Arizona. (Parents were not so supportive of sending me off that far.) Ironically, once I grew up (and moved to AZ) none of the winter AZ shows were (or are) quite what they used to be and all I wanted to do was go to Indio!! Grass is always greener…

Oh and I meant to comment on Merry’s recall of Dr. Gene Scott. I remember the first time I saw his barn at Griffith Park. (It was for his saddlebreds I think.) I was shocked, to say the least, at the get up they had. A full wet bar in the tack stall and brass lanterns in the barn isle between every stall. I was young, so the impression might be a bit exaggerated. But even more shocking to me was all the times I saw him playing tapes of his horses to the tune of some horrid background music on OC TV and him asking for more money so that this “god send of a horse” could go to more shows. Amazing!!

Sounds like Melissa and Dennis would be a perfect pair…

My sympathies to you and your family.
I know that is what happened to Bumpkin’s foal, Boogie, at the ripe old age of 30 and it is still hard to accept a year later.

Cramers. Is that as in Chrissy Cramer? She rode with Jamie Mann when I was at the fairgrounds, and I can only vaguely remember some controversy over her. Can’t remember much else except her real plain bay that could jump anything! And everyone kept saying how well know she was. Maybe its not the same person though.

[This message was edited by C&C on Feb. 14, 2001 at 11:53 AM.]

Sounds of horns tooting and confetti falling–

Dublin – do you have a relative named Bill who is into TB breeding and pedigree analysis and lives in Washington?

BTW, where was the Portland Hunt Club? When I lived there, I boarded at the lake Oswego Hunt Club, but there was no Portland Hunt Club anymore…

Thanks Anne, for asking about Lexie. She is a wonderful filly. We have brought her along slowly and carefully. We have just started her over fences and she will be shown this year at Indio in the Baby Greens which has a height of 2’6" to 2’9". Alexa is a dappled chestnut with 4 white socks and a white blaze. She is 3 and 1/2 and 16.3 hands. Actually I think she is closer to 17 now. She is a Swedish Warmblood and registered Rheinland Phalz-Saar. She has three smooth gates and is very steady and level-headed for her youth. I have attached a few
pictures of her Hope you like them

John French showed her successfully and she received 1 First 2 Seconds 2 Thirds, 2 Forths, and 1 Fifth and ! Sixth in the Baby Greens Week 1

As you can probably tell, I am in marketing and I just love this filly

BTW she is so calm that my 10 year old rides her bare back (hack & bareback)

I KNEW it would come back to me! McStahill was the combo name for Hillary and her sisters’ stable. (Alas, did it have to come back to me in the middle of the night, causing me to bolt upright in bed and scaring the hubby and the two Jack Russells? Sigh.)

And while Merry remembers JJ Smith (I just recall the name), how about Mason Phelps Jr.? He, too, was a frequent visitor at our original trainer’s barn. I fear I will really date myself here … I can still remember when Alan Balch (yes, the AHSA’s Alan Balch) still managed and announced at horse shows out here.

If we restart the Brown Field boot trend then we will definately live long enough to see it. ANy one brave enough to wear them at a show. If you do this take out life insurance on your trainer and wear the Rust Breeches and Velvet collar coats and just to make sure they have a heart attack wear a floral shirt.

So, Beezer, slow news day? Must be, for you to contemplate religious slogans!

As for the rain dance… by my estimates, our horses should be sprouting algae on their legs by mid-March.

Susies sister.
Nancy Hutchinson.

So, Suave, want to just donate your Lexi mare to the Calif. clique and we can all just take turns catch-riding her? I know my sister is just drooling over her right now, even as I type…

Ah, the Calif. western show girls. I really think we huntseat riders got a much better education than the riders of today, because we had to sit in the grandstands at the A shows and watch all sorts of classes: stockseat medals, reining classes, trail, and oh, the lively and thrilling saddleseat and fine harness classes. Didn’t you just love the 5-gaited events, when the announcer would triumphantly shout, “Now, Rack! Rack on!” About that time our horses would bolt from the in-gate back to the show barns!

Beezer: Not only did we have the mare with the toothbud in the ear and the draining channel of goo, but what about your mare, who, at her ripe old age STILL will not let anyone TOUCH her once fungus-infested left ear? “Warning! Your hands are approaching the ear zone. Warning!”

I have brought my blender for the Margaritas.

Carbon dating myself as well, I couldn’t help noticing your comments about Cynthia Campbell, since we bought my best horse, Talkalot, from her way back when…

Here’s a picture of us at the California State Fair in 1968:

Cynthia found her for us at the Agua Caliente Race track during an apparent jockey strike - and we sold “Maggie” back to her after I went to college.

It’s obviously been many many years, but do you know if Cynthia is still alive? If so, is she still buying and selling horses down in Southern California??

C&C: You’re thinking of Don Simington with Onondarka Riding School (the Onondarka Medal). Many moons ago they used to bring two vans of horses to the shows and stretch out a piggin’ string and all these Onondarka horses would just hang out all day, tied to this rope. Ours, on the other hand, would be in San Diego!

Foxfield is in Westlake Village. Still the riding school, still has a great adult amateur program, too, with really fun shows, although not as popular as in years past. My sister and I always thought of Foxfield as the safe, no-pampering place where the movie stars’ kids went to ride. Hence, our days of braiding and mucking with some of them at shows!

John Anello… Have no info on him.

As for the horses Bob had with him early on that I recall: a big dark bay named Vicar Jim. And a cute bay mare that belonged to a little girl named Night Flight (stole that name myself!).

another name from the past, Maggie Moss (Flynn)!
Absolutely wild guess here, did she marry Brian Flynn???

BTW Pam, lovely pictures of Valor. What a spectacular jumper.

bumpkin, looks like someone picking up Show Circuit issues at Indio might just be the ONLY way I will get them…but that’s a whole 'nother topic

[This message was edited by dublin on Jan. 31, 2001 at 11:02 AM.]

Merry, could you or Beezer e-mail me please? I’d appreciate it very much. or Thanks.

Now, back to the topic. Everybody is talking California H/J people from the 70’s. What about us poor Californians who grew up riding saddleseat and only in our adult years saw the light of riding over fences?

Anybody remember Bob Bradley, a saddlebred trainer/barn owner from San Diego from way back? I learned to ride at his barn with Christy Anderson and Jim McAvoy. To tie it back in to the H/J scene, Hap Hansen was the hunter trainer, about 18 years old and his first pro job. Very cute, even back then.

I believe I mentioned her wayyyyyyyyy back Pam M.
No one replied.
She use to have Richard Keller show her horses, long before Gary came out of juniours.
They would sometimes trailer up and show at the LWSC Fourth of July shows, at Bridle Trails State Park, along with lots of Arabian people from AZ and CA.
I saw a photo of a little girl showing Quail Run in a Quirk edition of HORSES.
But like you I have no idea what she is doing now.

Changing that to “VAN up” as Pat had a lovely horse van with her stable name on it

[This message was edited by Bumpkin on Feb. 19, 2001 at 12:51 PM.]

Beezer knows this one!! CeCe Durante was Jimmy’s (adopted) daughter. Beezer is snotty enough to admit that one of her fondest memories of those miserably cold and rainy shows at Santa Barbara was seeing one of her grand horses (Royal Blue, maybe??) give her a mud bath.

CeCe Presley was (or at least I vaguely remember this) married to the developer. For some reason I also think there was some sort of political connection (that would be elected, not show-ring ) I also remember the gray but not the name … but I bet Merry does!

From that same era: Linda Starkman and Castaway Teddy. That was the coolest little horse!

Merry: We can be such dopes. We know someone very well whom I am sure SuaveReno also knows. Think of the previous owner of that dear sweet mare afflicted by the ear fungus…