The safest helmet is the one that fits your daughter’s head. I have yet to find a MIPS helmet that fits me.
Most kids at the top level are wearing Samshields, some wear Kasks. I personally find the wider brim option on both brands to be flattering on most.
White shirt, clean breeches, and a dark navy jacket that is well-tailored will never be incorrect. Find a brand that fits well and shop for used apparel, especially jackets (I buy and sell on to build up the wardrobe (and if your kid happens to be a ladies XS/24-26, PM me).
I concur.
The kids might follow the brands or the trends, but the classic look in the ring will never go out of style.
I personally don’t care what a washed-up sexual predator has to say about any of these things, but YMMV.
Lots of good advice here. I run a tack shop and I’d say that we’re selling about 50-50 Samshield and Kask now. I switched to Kask last year and LOVE it. I do find them to be a higher quality helmet than Samshield, but my trainer still has the equitation kids stick with the Samshields.
This is all super helpful. Thank you! Especially about the coats, because the one we bought her for this season is indeed black.
Thank you! I’ve been looking at various helmet safety studies but had not seen that one.
You may also want to consider a safety vest for your daughter, whether a “hard” vest (e.g. Tipperary Eventer Pro) or an air vest (e.g. Hit Air). The juniors riding with my trainer are advised to wear a safety vest when they progress to jumping, and many of the rest of us have followed suit, even for flatwork. It is true, however, that widely comparative safety studies are not yet available.
The vest can really make a difference in a fall, particularly if one is tutored in rolling. Personally and anecdotally, I have had easier landings and fewer bruises from wearing my hard vest. I have not noticed any penalty for wearing one in the show ring.
Much like a helmet, you want to pick the vest that fits best, and scrutiny of ratings and tests is wise. Good luck and welcome!
@CableRoad has a good point.
I, too, now ride in an airvest - mid 30s now with that big rehab for my AC has me knowing how hard the ground can be.
Equisafe does Zoom fittings for both helmets and vests - Kimberly Chick is amazing.
It specifies in the USEF rules that no one can be penalized for wearing a safety vest.
They are a very common sight in the show ring these days, so everyone is used to seeing them by now.
See GR 801.4
Life of KASK helmets is 10 years from date of manufacture not 5. That was enough to sway my decision.
Another jacket question: is it ever appropriate for juniors to wear a contrasting collar on their jacket in the H/J ring these days or no? Is that only for the jumpers ring?
Thank you so very much to all of you who are being so welcoming, patient, and kind in answering my various questions, and in offering recommendations and suggestions. I really, really appreciate it.
YMMV but I prefer really plain coats in the Hunters and Eq. The Eq more so even than the Hunters to be frank.
I personally think contrasting collars look best in the jumper ring. When kiddo ages out she can come to the dark side of jumpers
I flirt with all 3 rings as I don’t own - so whatever horse I am leasing / have access to is what ring I ride in - plain show clothing is just much easier to be versatile in. Plus at her age - she might grow out of whatever you buy in a season or two. Or maybe not - I’ve been 5’9 since I was 14.