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Quick n Dirty Fencing Ideas

Not to hijack the thread but I was wondering how you do the corners with t posts??

Not to hijack the thread but I was wondering how you do the corners with t posts??[/QUOTE]

i just angle the t-post at 45 degrees, use the longer insulators then wrap the wire around the insulator a couple times and click into the keepers as normal. i sink my t-posts fairly deep so they’re strong and you could reinforce with a post if required.

I’ll take a picture and pot it later.

The other option is to have rounded ‘corners’.

Thank you!

Thank you![/QUOTE]

Ahhh, I forgot to add the pictures!!

Better late than never, here you go:


I haven’t used this company’s products yet, but this looks like great for building strong t-post corners:


(They also offer gate hardware for t-posts.